Aug 20, 2004 13:39
Well, my computer's broken. Yesterday afternoon I tried turning it on and kept getting this message about how it wasn't safe to start Windows, so Dad took it in to get looked at by his IT guys at work. The harddrive had to be wiped, so everything I had saved is gone. We're gonna have to reinstall all the old programs too, and somehow restart our Juno email account. So in case you guys try to email me or otherwse get in, yeah ^^;
Right now I'm using the computer at my Mom's work. In theory, with either this or one of the Brush computers, I should still be able to check my hotmail email account, update my LJ and post on the Cove. But I think I've lost my AIM account, because I never could remember my password to the damn I'll probably be getting a new one and putting that up here eventually.
So, what's been lost? Well, all of the WAVs and video files I've been downloading recently, but I'm not exactly heartbroken. If I ever really want them again I can just go back online; none of those were really important to me or irreplacable. All of my fics are gone too, but the first seven chapters of Frozen are on, and the last two are on the Cove, so i can always get them back with copy-paste. The first chapter of Damned & Devoted is lj-cut in here somewhere. The second chapter is lost, but I only had about a page written so far so I'm not upset. What is lost that irritates me is my school paper; dummy me didn't have a disk back-up. Well, I more-or-less remember what I wrote, so I can pretty much duplicate it and stuff. That's why I'm on Mom's work computer, to type it up.
...I'm gonna work on it eventually; chill.
So, WHY did my computer crash? Well, we're not sure, but the IT guy thinks it may have something to do with all that junk I've been downloading. Apparantly I pushed the limit just a little too far as far as memory goes. And I was seriously going to save it all to disk and delete it off the hardrive within the next day or so, too...Oh well.
In other news, my school schedule got all sorted out; I couldn't drop the BioTech since signing up for that is like some kind of contract or something, so I had to drop the French. I think I'm actually gonna miss Mr. LaPlanche...well, I'll still drop by to nag him when I can.
Meanwhile, I continue to watch Xena on a daily basis. One of the great things about rewatching this show when, the last time you watched it, you were about ten years old or so? A lot of adult humor suddenly appears. Obviously, I never noticed it when I was a kid...but a lot of lines that once flew right over my head unnoticed suddenly become *hilarious* now.
Two days ago, there was an episode on called "Warrior...Priestess...Tramp". Its about the misadventures that occur when Xena, Joxer, Gabrielle, and their friend a tramp named Meg (who looks exactly like Xena), try to save a virgin priestess named Leah (who also looks exactly like Xena; obviously her and Meg's characters are also played by Lucy Lawless, but that's not the point). At one point, Leah (who's obviously more than a bit of a prude) is hiding in Meg's tavern...which apparantly also serves as a brothel. Now, I *know* I watched this epsiode when I was a kid, but the whole thing with the, erm, *extra* work put in by the tavern's ladies obviously never occured to me. Then there's a part where Leah goes into the back rooms trying to find Gabrielle...and opens the door to several rooms whose contents apparantly horrify her. The audience only gets to hear the sounds coming from inside. One room, you clearly hear the sound of a whip and a woman's voice going "Who's a naughty blacksmith?!"...another room, you hear a man and woman giggling and a bunch of animal sounds, like sheep and cows. Leah steps away from that last door going "Oh, I hope that was a petting zoo..." The first part where it really hit me what I was missing the first time watching the show is when Leah is trying to convince Gabrielle to join the Hestian virgins, saying something about how its a great way to get to know your true self. Gabrielle's response: "Oh trust me...if I had to be a virgin, knowing myself would not be a problem, if you get my drift." I actually gasped at that one. Don't get me wrong; I love a good manstrubation joke as much as the next girl, but I just never realized half the stuff that was going on with that show. It's always fun to get the jokes you never got before once you're mature enough to understand...
Another interesting thing occured to me yesterday, when "Bitter Suite" was on, better known as the infamous musical episode. When Xena first appeared in the Elysiun Fields and was greated by Callisto, I thought "Gee, Callisto's outfit looks an awful lot like The Fool from my Tarot Deck." She even had the white dog and the satchel on a stick. The next thing I knew, Callisto had given Xena her first wardrobe change (there are many throughout the course of the musical), and Xena was unmistakably dressed as the High Priestess. After that, I kept my eyes open...every single major character in the episode is dressed like one of the Major Arcana of the Tarot Deck. I double-checked with my cards afterwards to be sure, and realized that all of the costumes had apt meanings to what was occuring in the story of the episode too. All in all, Callisto was both The Fool and Justice in turns, Xena was The High Priestess and The Chariot, Joxer was The Hanged Man and The Hermit, Gabrielle was The Empress and The World, and Ares was The Emperor. Also, that weird wheel Callisto showed Xena at the beginning that kept hanging over them throughout the whole episode is The Wheel of Fortune, right down to the weird Anubite on one side, and an angel where Gabrielle's face appeared. Clever, clever writers...
computer woes,