Hey, guess what? Guess who had an intervirew today? Guess who finally got herself a job?? Guess who's going to be working as a restaurant hostess for seven bucks an hour starting on the 21st?
If you guessed ME, you're totally right! (Yeah, because that was so hard XD)
So, not only do I as of today have future employment to look forward to, but also I got the new Buffy comic, which by the by, holy last panel plot twist, Batman!! Seriously, I cannot be the only one who thought that was going to be
Drusilla, but it turns out to be
But in general, the comic continues to be made of win and awesome and more awesome, and I love the writing to itty bitty little pieces. ("YOU'RE PULLING MY HAIR!" "I'M HOLDING YOUR MANE!" "MY MANE IS MY HAIR!")
Also, I continue my quest to slooowly collect the Fables series in graphic novel format. Newest purchase is vol 4, "March of the Wooden Soldiers", which I actually have read before but, hey, it's been awhile. I think after this one is actually where as far as my familiarity with the series goes (though I do know some of what happens after, mainly dealing with Snow and Bigby's children), so it should be interesting when I feel wealthy enough to buy the next one.
Oh, and Project Runway the other night? So it seems Blayne, for how he acts, is literally, genuinely addicted to tanning. I hope he goes through a horrible crippling psychological withdrawal, causing him to act even more batshit insane and weird than ever before, every minute captured and televised in all it's bizarre glory for us to see. And then dies. Does this make me a horrible person? Too bad. I don't care. (For his dismissive attitude of The Beatles alone, HE MUST DIE.)
I continue to love Stella though. In no way do I think she'll make it all the way, or come even close, but her personality is such a breath of fresh air compared to all the drama-llama queens on this show. On a related note, I liked Joe a lot more when he was just that boring guy in the background wearing the black t-shirt, instead of turning out to be yet another whiner. Also also, is Daniel starting to get on anyone else's nerves, or just me?
But, we had a cool guest judge and they sent Boring Surrealism Girl home, so it's all good.
I feel like there was something else I was going to talk about, but I can't......oh well. If it was really that important, it'll come to me later. I hope.
hollywoodgrrl, I know we haven't talked in like, forever, but super-quick question: last time you gave me a tip about making sure VDub was set at a certain...something...when I captured my clips, and of course I wrote that down in the one place I was sure I wouldn't lose, which I lost. Pls help?)
Ta ta for now, gang.