...Juuust Realized Today Was Friday the Thirteenth

Jun 13, 2008 11:10

Well, my day's been going pretty swell so far. Barring the fact that I'm starving because I haven't eaten anything, but that's really nothing in the grand scheme of things, methinks.

Also? This coming Wednesday will be my birthday. My *21st* birthday.

Hee hee hee.

I'm already super-stoked for the little party I'm going to be holding for myself. They'll be fondue and mixed drinks and I hope the weather is nice because then we can use my apartment's pool and I'll be wearing a really cute top I just got at Wet Seal and there'll be Rennies! So YAYZ.

As long as I'm here, though, I was wondering if I could once again mine the collective knowledge of my super-wise and super-awesome flist, regarding things for my party.

Issue 1: Food.
So, I'm going to hit up Google and probably the Food Netwwork website eventually, but before I go over there I figure I might as well ask: does anyone know a good recipe for a fondue entree that is not cheese-based?? I'm going to make cheese as the main course and chocolate for dessert (actually, on that note...any particularly tasty dessert fondue recipes you'd like to share?), but I already know of at least one person coming that can't really eat cheese (even though she does anyway, Jan) and I'd rather not kill her if I can avoid it.

Issue 2: Drinks.
For a college student, I have a feeling my knowledge of alcohols is woefully below average standards. Not that it's really an issue, since the group I've got coming is not big on the drinkage anyway. But still, my shopping list so far is looking like:
- Mike's Hard Lemonade
- assorted Smirnoff Ice coolers
- Parrot Bay rum
- juice and soda to mix with Parrot Bay
- Bawls
- Hypnotique, to make Blue Bawls with (note to self: look up how to make Blue Bawls)

I'm probably going to ask my party guests if there's anything they'd like to request, but does anyone else have any suggestons? Frankly, I probably have too much here as it is already, but I'm mainly concerned about variety, because I'm a lightweight and like really sweet things where the booze is hard to taste, which I know is not for everybody. Other things I was considering were things for Appletinis, Cosmos, and/or Kahlua coffee shakes.

Anyway, my parents and grandma gave me my birthday presents the other night since I won't be town for the actual date. I got three books, two DVDs, and two CDs that I wanted.
What else did I get yesterday? Well, it's time to renew our family's contract with Verizon again, so I got a new cell phone.
A Juke, in dark navy.
Is it borderline retarded, how much I love my new phone. It's so small! And cute! And pretty! And in addition to doing all the cool phone things I actually need like, you know, remembering numbers and taking pictures and calling people, it plays music. Plays music. This is probably a bigger deal when you realize I've never had an mp3 player: until this day I've been relying entirely on CDs.
So now I finally have something very much like an mp3 player, and it's also my phone, and it's pretty, and I'm such a dork but I'm happy, so ya'll can sit and spin if you're gonna make fun of me for it :P

I also got my license renewed, so I have a cool longways driver's license that shows I am of legal ago to be purchasing the booze, and my clever disguise as a responsible adult is now complete.

Oh, and two things of quick fandom note before I take off: first, there's a chance we'll be leaving for the boat this evening instead of tomorrow morning, so I may not get to watch BSG until Sunday or possibly even Monday (is this the s4 hiatus-break finale, or is that next episode?).
Second, in an attempt to get more involved with my gateway fandom, I've signed up for lostsquee's Lost Summer Luau. Fingers crossed I can make this one stick unlike previous summer fandom projects, ya?

birthday, questions, cooking, drinking, fandom, about me

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