Not Dead Yet, I Believe

Jun 10, 2008 14:40

In case you didn't figure it out from my multi-day-spanning interwebs silence, I've once again returned to the House of the Ancients (meaning my parents, and also an archaic dial-up connection). I'm only here for about a week, since summer classes start next Monday, but for now I'm enjoying a mini-sabbatical and a chance to catch up with my hometown girls while I can.
Right now I'm over at eliara's because she has a very shiny wireless connection she's letting me use because she loves me. Yayz!

Haven't been up to much, really. Playing with my Sims2 families some more; two pregnancies so far. Went shopping to the mall with my BFFs and got sunglasses and a graphic novel volume, and then came home and watched The Princess Bride on TV (hence the icon).

I much to catch up on with my flist, I'm sure, considering the last time I was able to look was sometime early Thursday evening. I'm off to attempt to beginning plowing through that shortly.

I did watch the newest BSG episode on Friday. I'll spare you my very belated thoughts on it in detail and just say that it lived up to all my expectations in most areas and actually surpassed them in others; that for the most part ot made it feel very happy, although certain other aspects made me...very tired, emotionally. I probably don't need to explain myself on that too much: just think about where my fandom predilictions lie.
Oh, and that I'm very excited and anticipatory (which is...something like a word, I'm sure) for the next episode as well. (Is it too much to hope that a certain character has to spend time in the infirmary now and run into a certain other character, you think? Maybe?)

I've been trying with not real much in the way of success to find summer employment so I can try to save up some of my own money for grad school, which is beginning to piss me off more than a little. I do have a couple leads to follow up on now at least, which I guess is something.

Will hopefully be seeing the Sex in the City movie with machi_neko sometime tomorrow, which excites me.
Should be eating steak for dinner tonight, which excites me about just as much, really. Either I am incredibly easy or I may possibly need to reshuffle my priorities a bit. Um. Something.

...Okay, I think that about covers everything. Now I'm gonna hit the "post" button, and then I'm off to see what everyone's been up to the past five days or so.
*dons wetsuit, goggles and breathing gear* Wish me luck, ya?


sims, computer woes, real life, battlestar, money, tv, friends

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