Well. That was...um. Yes.
I'll be honest, I don't have much to say. Mainly I'm looking forward to reading all youses entries, because I'm sure you all have waaay more interesting things to point out than me.
But, still: I wouldn't be me if I didn't waste your time by saying something :P
The FlashBackForward:
Sooo...is this how we roll, this season? We've explored all the mysteries of the past, so now they're gonna keep showing us glimpses of an ever-more mystifying future?
Damn you, Lost. Damn you. Just when I think I've wised to all your tricks, you keep coming up with more!
For some reason, as soon as I saw the car, I had a feeling it was gonna be Hurley. I don't know why, I just did.
(Also, I think it says something not very positive that as soon as I saw the "mystery hand" near the beginning grab a bottle of alcohol, I knew it was Jack. Because nothing says "healthy start to your day" like a screwdriver! Am I right? YAY BOOZE.)
The "Oceanic Six"...implying rather strongly, or at least this was how I interpreted it, that only six of them make it back. Daaaamn. And we already know who three of them are: Jack, Kate & Hurley. Daaaaaaamn.
Who the other three are, of course, is a complete mystery. The fact alone that Hurley made it back despite going with Locke means the groups are not a factor (although him saying he shouldn't have gone with Locke is...troubling, to say the least).
But then, Jack worrying about Hurley telling some kind of secret? And the fact that, look, it was extremely vague, but it rather seemed like they were implying the others didn't die...they just got left behind. Or at least some people did. I mean, what else do you make of the "are they still alive"/"I think we should go back"/"they need you" business?
Raise your hand if the underwater glass-smashing Dead Charlie vision in the police station freaked you the fuck out. I don't know about the rest of you, but my hand is totally raised.
But seriously, I don't know what to make of Charlie showing up near the end. I mean, dead, left on the island, probably in a million pieces thanks to a certain grenade-happy Russian zombie. (Effing Mikail'Sputin.) And yet, well, I'm assuming Hurley was hallucinating/envisioning him, but still. The other mental patient supposedly saw Charlie. Did anyone else catch that? He totally pointed him out as a guy that was staring at Hurley. That sort of confuses me.
(On a sort of tangent, though, I'll seriously never get this: when a person is freaking out that something is a dream or a hallucination, and the dream/hallucination "proves" their existance by smacking them? And then the person always accepts that? Dude, you really think you couldn't just be imagining the hitting part as well? If you're asleep or that insane, it's perfectly feasible for you to feel nonexistant things. Um, duh. Just ask Gaius Baltar.)
Meanwhile, Back on the Ranch Island:
"It's not loaded." ...Ohhh, snap. Jack would have shot him, you guys. He really would have. Did you see the look on Locke's face when he realized that? Oh man. (Never say "you're not gonna shoot me", people: it's like a DARE, hello.)
I really don't know what to make of Kate during her usual Kate thing this week. Running off and doing what she thinks needs to be done and totally fucking other people over to do it (hugging Jack so she could snatch the phone)? Check. I mean, it's completely in character for her, don't get me wrong, because she just cannot fucking deal if she isn't doing something every minute of every goddamn day. But half the time it ends up screwing the rest of the group over but good. This time she got lucky and it wound up saving the day. But really, that's all that particular turn of events is: lucky.
Ben: Still a freaky-ass little monkey boy. Still creeps me out yet makes me smile on a regular basis. "With your permission, I'd like to go with Locke". Oh, Ben. Hee.
But you totally got what you deserbved for referring to Alex as your daughter in front of Rousseau. NO. BAD.
Randomly, I kind of love how it seemed like Sawyer was basically doing what amounted to waving his arms in the air and saying "What the hell is going on??" this week. I wouldn't say flummoxed or anything, but you could definitely tell, he did not sign on for this crazy running back and forth nonsense. Give the man a straightforward plan and be done with it.
The Great Divide: I think I wrote a bad slashy porno like this once. Ya'll, that would be rough. It just...rough. On the one hand, rescue. On the other hand, this is the Isle of Wonky Shit, and some even wonkier shit was clearly going down with the would-be rescuers. I mean, even from the limited perspective of the Lostaways, that whole Charlie/signal/"Not Penny's Boat" thing had to raise a pretty hefty red flag.
I can see how you would, could chose either side, is what I'm saying. Although I think Rose definitely raised a good point there, because issues of trust with the rescuers aside, would you rather follow the guy who's been de facto leader for pretty much the entire time or the guy that killed someone by flinging a knife into their back in front of everybody? Minus a few cred points for Senor Locke there.
So now Hurley has also seen Jacob. Mind you, Hurley is literally certifiably insane, so...yes. And the fact that the shack was pulling some pretty crazy magic tricks there really did not help. Is Jacob real in some sense? In what sense? Is he only visible to the wonko nutso (Ben, Locke, now Hurley)?
Oh, and the other person in the cabin. First of all: AAAAAAAAHH!! Always going for the cheap scare, Lost. THANKS. Second: Who the hell?? We only saw an eyeball, so, I mean, really. It could have easily been Locke, considering he showed up not thirty seconds later. I'll be honest...bear in mind it's not like we saw a lot, but it actually looked a little like Charlie's face to me. Shack of the Dead? The spot-on impersonation of Mrs. Bates our man Jacob was doing in that rocking chair doesn't hurt that theory, I tell ya.
In conclusion:
Good showing, Lost. At the very least, you got me asking questions. Now we'll just have to see how the rest of the season pans out.