I Use This Icon Without Irony, Really ;P

Jan 12, 2008 19:16

So, yeah, I'm back, for reals now. Once again at the apartment, back to my studies at the (the, bitches)* Ohio State University.

It's all pretty status quo, really. Classes started last Thursday: nothing particularly overwhelming so far.
I'm not liking Spanish as much on account of how the instructor this time is nowhere near as laid-back and fun as Alex was last quarter, but so far I've been keeping up as much as everyone, I think. Forensic Anthropology is interesting so far, although I'm getting the feeling this is one of those classes that you need to print the notes out ahead of time to keep up with the lectures...I know it's probably just me, but I hate doing that; it feels like I'm killing trees unecessarily. Biology 113 is...taught in a massive auditorium. That completely fills up if you get there five minutes too late O_o

Small misadventure with my Psychology Class. See, I thought I had signed up for Psych 331, Abnormal Psychology. I had actually somehow accidentally signed up for Psych 301 instead, which is the Psychology of Extraordinary Beliefs. I don't mind, actually, because this is just as interesting and it's not like I needed specificially for my degree. I just think it's kind of a funny story.

Besides classes, much is as it always is. The weather here is still on several levels of crack, as today is cold, yesterday was miserable, last week was arctic and then we experienced about three lovely spring days at the beginning of this week (you can't make this shit up, people).
Guild is still guild-y, although I think those of us that are not newbies are already starting to feel that weird tension-stress storm cloud that comes in the relaxed lull right before everyone goes batshit crazy trying to get massive amounts of stuff done in really very little time. May is never as far away as you think. In the meantime, we hang and have fun. Such is life.
Sadly, I think my living situation is about to get shaken up, as Roommate seems awfully determined on finding another place. And while, yes, our current place is really very expensive, it also has a lot of convienance. And...right now the 'rents are still footing my bill, and I really really don't want to move again. So unless her apartment searching terms up something made of solid gold, there may just have to be a Parting of the Ways. Of course, the two people I know that I would have immediately thought of as first picks in a roomie search are apparantly moving in with each other. D'OH.

Also, apparantly Steve of the Incident, who I was debating whether or not I wanted to ask out again and if such a thing was even possible without coming across as desperate/pushy, has pushed the date before he's ready to deal with dating again or not back to Valentine's Day. Because this is how my life works, dontchaknow.

I have done nothing today but catch up on my massive flist backlog. So, hey, guys! I now know what's up with all of you again!
Well, for the most part. Seems for some crazyass reason, Lj won't let me go back any further than "skip=475" on my Friend's Page, which only brought me back to the end of December. I guess it's not really a big deal, but any journal of fannish pursuits will be getting a more in-depth purview at a later date, when I'm in a sufficiently more lively (yet lazy) mood. (In order to save time, I skimmed past any fic/icon posts when I was going through my flist entries, so if you've done something more recently and are wondering why I didn't comment on that, that's why. But I'll get to it eventually, I swear.)

So, certain journals will be panned for gold and semi-precious gems individually, hopefully sometime over the next week. If you did any fic/icons/fanmixes/vids over the month of December that you're afraid I might miss in the effort or you just really know I'd like and want to make sure it gets special individual attention, now would be the time to tell me.

There's been a couple things of interest in the Battlestar fandom whilest I was away (it's all very old news to all of you, I'm sure, but I feel obligated) so, in the interest of space, I'll be going on about all that in its own post at some later date, and by "some later date" I mean most likely tomorrow.

In the meantime and in an interest of fairness, however, look: Lost season 4 photos!
49 of the damn things, although some of them are pretty repetitive. Spoilers, I guess, but not a lot I see worth commenting on. My main thought while looking thru them was "Wait, who the hell are these people??" Seriously, even they seem confused by the idea.
Though I must admit I am a little concerned by the possibility of who might be on Team Locke, if there is indeed some sort of division among the Lostaways. But, I did find this moment endearing for some reason. (Also, is it just me, or has Foxxy skinnied up some since last season?)

When does the new season start again? I'm totally spacing over here. And any word on how many episodes there'll be, what with the WGA strike obviously not giving them enough time to do a full season beforehand and all?

Oh, and look, I changed the layout of my journal: demonqueen666.
I got tired of the gray, really.

I also nixed the Gargoyles theme: love it, but it's been over a year and, really, at the very least I need to remake it a smaller size or something. Right now I'm going with one of the simple defaults, but who knows? I might make another one sometime. Or, you know, just leech off of somebody more talented.
I also fiddled with my icons a bit...new default, and just s'more new ones in general. There are three to five BSG and Lost ones, incidentally, that I am so sure I got from someone on the flist, but of course I forgot to write down who. So if someone would be willing to help me out and just take a quick peek and tell me if they recognize them? I like crediting people for their work properly and all. The ones I'm concerned about are near the bottom, between the Glitch/Cain one and the Obama one.

So I guess that's about everything. But like I already said, I'm back and not turning a blind eye to LJ anymore, so hiii, everybody! I missed all of you lots! Big hugs all around :D

*This is...sort of only funny to us that go here, really.

lost, real life, classes, fandom, college, guild, boys, changes, flist, friends, journal

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