Sep 20, 2007 21:19
It's been a hell of a week, boys and girls.
Sunday - Got up early to move into new apartment. Unpacked many boxes and bags and then took trips to Target and Giant Eagle to get groceries and many odds and ends.
Monday - Involvement Faire with Guild. Spent nine in the morning until four in the afternoon in a bodice and layered garb, standing behind a table in the hot sun singing, yelling, and handing out fliers. Lived off of snow cones, popcorn and the occasional hot dog. Brilliantly forgot to put on sunscreen and wound up with a red face and the distinctive "bodice burn" on chest and upper back. Late dinner with Guild friends. New Buffy comic. Bed.
Tuesday - Trip to Walmart with roomie for more odds and ends. Among other things, bought a bookcase that had to be assembled sans power tools. Despite following instructions faithfully ("insert screw C into side piece A and top piece B"), somehow ended up with both bottom and top shelf on backwards.
About halfway through this process, got call from roommate of friend that said friend was in hospital. Attempted not to freak. Toilet clogged for first time. Went to Demonstration Day for Guild and on the way walked all the way down High Street in full nobles to get "Get Well" card from drugstore. Did Demo Day for two hours (met new University president!) and passed card on the side. Still in garb, walked to and visited friend in hospital. Came home, called Mom, cried, made dinner, went to bed.
Wednesday - First day of classes. Navigated CABS bus system at eight in the morning. Chemistry, breakfast of bagel and cafe mocha, Ancient Mediterranean Anthropology, home for lunch. Watched C-SPAN 2. Was depressed. Back on bus again for Spanish.
Learned Chemistry textbook (used) costs fifty dollars, while Chemistry labbook (new) costs seventy-five. Was enraged. Talked to roommate of friend: friend is transferred to other hospital. May not be able to visit. Not sure what's going on.
Walked to pet store to price lizards and snakes. Walked home. Attempted to write. Bed.
Today - Took new antibiotic (acne) on empty stomach. Bad. Had to leave bus two stops early to drop to ground and vomit on grass in front of RPAC. Good news: only water and foam. Bad news: caught attention of several people, who call EMS and won't let leave until checked out. Caught ride to Celeste Labs in back of ambulence.
Arrived at first day of Chemistry lab session very late. Missed instructional video, confused by TA's accent, was somehow assigned locker with faulty lock (one trip down to main office of building, one trip back up to record locker serial number, one trip back down to supply center for new lock, then trip back upstairs again where waited for maintenance man to come and switch bad lock out), and forgot calculator needed for lab equations. Attempted not to freak and otherwise despair. Walked home; needed air.
Toilet clogged, second time. Plunged by self. Back on bus for Culture Conflict Anthropology, Spanish. Bought books for both Anthro classes, but learned no store has Spanish books for less than one-hundred thirty dollars. Unable to buy; need more money on BuckID.
Bus home, then bus back for Guild meeting. Pizza and soda for dinner. Eaten alive by mosquitoes and possibly shat on by unidentified bird. Long bus ride home from Oval.
In short, I am so ready for this week to be over. At least tomorrow looks to be fairly easy.
real life,