I Have A New User Icon, Lalalalala...

May 23, 2007 14:53

And I love it so. *ding!*

Nothing much new in the world of the 'Rinne. Quarter's almost over. The NCIS finale last night was pretty frickin' sweet.

I did Race For The Cure with three other girls from the Guild last Saturday...we did the 5k walk in garb and it was a blast. Sounds like we're going to try and do it again next year as well, only with more people.

(Also, merodi_no_yami and skylark913 combined forces to get me into reading Order Of The Stick, which is admittedly rather hilarious.
"I think I just failed a Spot check." "Why? I don't see anything." "EXACTLY."
Oh, and "Banthulu" will never ever stop being funny.)

Speaking of Guild, it looks as if I'm going to be serving as acting Scribe next year due to, once again, there being no one actually interested in the positions save for the people willing to step up and keep the organization alive. Sigh.

Also, I've seen both the Spiderman 3 movie lately as well as Shrek 3 (...what is it with the "threes" movies this season?? I just now realized that), and I was pretty happy with both of them.

I think being a fan of the comics gave me a little something more to take away from this one than the average viewer, being that I got an immediate kick out of recognizing Doc Conners (The Lizard), Betty Brant, Gwen Stacey, her father, Eddie Brock, Flint Marko/The Sandman, and Venom (of course, I was just waiting for either Gwen or her father to die, so I was pleasantly surprised when they both made it through the movie alive). Plus, as always, the guest spot by Stan Lee is a nice cherry on the top.

I've been hearing a lot of mixed reactions to this one, but overall, I liked it. It was alternately goofy and then more heartfelt, which is very true to the spirit of the comic series, really.
The special effects were pretty killer without being over-the-top...Venom even kind of freaked me out. Sure, I've seen him animated and in the comics I don't know how many times, but it's pretty different seeing that creepy split-fang mouth "in the flesh" on the big screen. Creeeeepy.

Although, on a very superfical level, I'm almost a little upset that Green Goblin II got to have way cooler toys than the first Green Goblin. No one should ever be more badass than the Green Goblin. Never.
(Oh, and was I the only one laughing my ass off at the random GIANT DEAD FATHER PORTRAIT OF DOOOOOM there? Like, what the hell was that?? And I won't even go into the Deus Ex Butler. *throws hands in air*)
Although his scenes were very kickass, I will admit...and I actually wouldn't have minded if they shot the comic book ideal to hell at the end there and let him live. Because Spiderman and Green Goblin II made one hell of a super team, and Mary Jane, Harry and Peter were totally OT3 (and I thought the scars were kind of hot, tell you the truth). Seriously, why does the bad guy always have to die to find redemption? So not fair.

First off, I think my ability to compare this one to its direct predecessor was compounded by the fact that we rewatched Shrek 2 at Whitney's party the day before. Therefore...well, I was a little disappointed. It was funny, sure, but I guess it wasn't as funny as I was expecting, and it was nowhere near as funny as the second one was.

I guess the problem was that they might have just been trying a little too hard with the whole "heartfelt" thing. They definitely maxed out their quota on the meaningful speeches by the end there, that's for sure.

I think the best part is what they've always been good at: the random sight gags. A lot of my favorite scenes were the melees, like when the villians storm Far Far Away and when the princesses team up to escape the dungeon. And the whole part where Charming and Hook try to interrogate the sidekicks, while Gingy goes into some kind of weird flashback and Pinocchio goes into those ridiculous double-negating convoluted sentences in order to avoid telling a lie. Oh, and the "Oh no, they've got a piano!!" part made me laugh really hard for some reason.

Also, was it just me or did the animation look kind of...weird in this one? It almost seemed to me that they'd gone too far into the Uncanny Valley and were trying to make it seem too realistic. Like, I noticed a lot of the faces seemed hyper-detailed with stuff like birth marks and lines and what have you. It was just kind of off-putting.

(And, this might just be my crazy, but I was totally waiting for some kind of dramatic reveal about Charming and Arthur. Cus, was it just me, or did they look almose EXACTLY the same?)

Of course, the whole thing was almost single-handedly saved by the appearance of Eric Idle as Crazy Old Man Merlin. Now that was hysterical.
Overall, I guess I was pretty satisfied with it...I paid six dollars for a student ticket, and I think I got my money's worth. But I still feel like it could have been better.

Things I want to try and do some writing on before this weekend:
- my entry for whackapetrelli, which I've already switched from one deadline to a later one for, because I am a Bad Bad Writer as far as deadlines are concerned
- that longer Baltar/Gaeta fic I've been putting off working on for, what, oh, A MONTH? *headdesk*
- NOT another stupid idea that's been buzzing my head since yesterday involving a "clever" twist on the psych_30 prompt for "Daddy Issues". Of course, that's what I said about the "Baltar Randomly Gets Super-Strength" idea, and we all know how well that turned out, so no doubt look for some kind of saccharine kidfic postings from me soon. *rolleyes, sigh*

And now, I'm off to burn up my one hour free trial off Diner Dash 2.

guild, writing, real life, tv, friends, icons

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