1. The Boy and I have decided to go back to being Just Friends.
It was (as far as I could tell) a mutual decision and not so much an unpleasant one as it was necessary. There just wasn't really any chemistry left between us anymore and I think we both realized that there was nothing keeping us going on a romantic level, especially with summer and an eventual seperation looming.
This is not a dramtic event so much as it is another brief era drawing to a close. At this point, I remain hopeful that we'll still be able to keep in touch and hang out once in awhile.
2. ...Because even Cylons can't get enough of that
bubble wrap. The sad part? I totally refreshed that page twice so that I could keep on poppin', I'm not gonna lie.
3. Anyone who even remotely considers themselves a fan of Stargate Atlantis needs to watch this fanvid to
"Right Here Right Now", made by
hollywoodgrrl, RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW.
Oh my god, but this is a beautiful video. I love this song, and the editing has been done so well to make everything synch up seamlessly and just flow with the music. I've never even seen SGA and I love this video, it's that kickass. I've never watched so much as an episode!
(Although, actually, after seeing that vid, I'm starting to think about that. Especially since I know so many people who seem to like it already.
What are your thoughts on this, guys...would I still be able to watch the show even though I've never seen SG-1?)