"Let's look Death in the face and say, 'Whatever, man!'"

Feb 28, 2007 22:44

Nothing like a Hurley ep to make you feel all good inside, eh? Man, I just love my island boys!

Like the Desmond episode, not much happened to forward the overall plot in this one but, you know what? I was having too much fun with the goofiness to even care. This was a silly fun bonanza.

Vincent with the arm. Charlie's reaction to Hurley going after the arm. Sawyer with the ancient beer. Sawyer teaching Jin "important" English phrases. Jin and Hurley pulling Roger out of the van. Hurley calling Sawyer "redneck man" ("Touche."). The whole thing with Hurley's mama and her...needs ("Your mother is a passionate woman." "That is gross."). Hurley not knowing the difference between a meteor and an asteroid. Sawyer referencing Little House on the Prairie. Hurley telling Jin he "sucks at charades". Sawyer just popping up to yell at Hurley for taking his stuff, like, not even remembering that he's been missing for a week. Hurley being all un-photogenic with the reporter. Jin not even knowing what he'd volunteered for.

"Holy...why is there a head back here?!"
"Oh, relax, that's just Roger."

And did anyone catch that point when Hurley and Charlie are careening towards certain death, and the camera cuts back to Jin and Sawyer...and Sawyer suddenly gets this awesome "Oh SHIT" look on his face? I laughed so hard.

And the thing at the end with the van finally working, and they all pile in! OMG, I would watch that every week...Jin, Hurley, Charlie, Sawyer and Vincent riding around in a van, drinking beer and having wacky shenanigans.
And they would bring Desmond with them. And Roger Workman's corpse would ride along with them as their kickin' mascot. And they would SING.
I would watch that show every week. I would never miss an episode.

So, add Hurley to ever-growing list of Lostaways with daddy issues, neh?
I didn't know what to make of his dad...yeah, he was there for the money, but at least he admitted it. And he really did seem to care about what happened to Hurley. I mean, it is possible to have good motivations even if they're not completely pure, right? At least, it happens in real life. I'm not sure whether or not that's allowed on TV.

Also, the return of Crazy Rousseau! And she knows about her daughter!

I predict the busting of much Other skull next week at the hands of everybody's mad jungle Frenchwoman. Awwww yeah.

lost, meta, fandom, tv

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