Fun With The Roomies

Dec 01, 2006 00:10

Our suite has gone Christmas crazy.

Pretty much all of us went into a decorating frenzy the other night when Patricia, Emily and Katie brought some holiday wrapping paper.
We've got wrapping paper with little snowmen with out names on them on the outer door. In the common room we have a six foot mini tree with ornaments and everything, paper snowflakes dangling from the ceiling, and a wrapping paper tree on the wall. There's a wrapping paper snowman on our inner door too, and the doors to our individual rooms all have wrapping paper too, with our names on diffrent stuff like little trees or santa hats.

My favorite part is the little red paper and cottonball santa hat I made for the Jack Sparrow poster Beth put up in the common room. Hee!

Also, the other night a bunch of us were watching The Mummy Returns together. Man, that is such a stupid fun awesome movie. I still remember the first time I saw it in theaters with my the time we got to the pygmy zombies I was like "Okay, that's it. This is freakin' nuts."
Since all of us save one (and she wasn't paying attention anyway) had seen the movie before, we were pretty much mocking it all the way through. Good times.

Though, near the end? When Evey saves Rick, and then Anuk Su Namun (whore) runs away...I suddenly had an epiphany, and went "Dude! They should have totally saved Imhotep." Seriously, think about it: Anubis took his powers away, so it's not like he could still really do anything to them. They should have totally taken him home with them. I mean, how cool would that be? An actual ancient Egyptian priest could be really useful as a research source for all the archaeology stuff, and he could help Uncle John babysit Alex when Evey and Rick are know, whatever it is that they do. Killing bad guys and making out, I think.

Of course, my brain being what it is, that somehow leads me straight to Imhotep/John slash. Dear god.

holiday, dorm life, college

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