Notes behind the cut are somewhat sream-of-consciouness as I rewatch the episode for the second time.
"Previously On" set up for The Win; I really liked how they put the talking about how creepy the Others are over scenes of the Others doing what they do best...being creepy.
That is, when they aren't baking muffins, helping each other with their plumbing, or meeting to discuss the literary merits of Stephen King. DAMN YOU LOST, AND YOUR CRAZY TWISTS OF MISDIRECTION!!
(Also, this show really needs to stop introducing blonde female characters, because I spent almost the entire opening scene semi-convinced I was supposed to know this person and going "Is that Jack's ex Sarah? Is it Desmond's ex Penny? Is it Libby??")
When Jack walked into the plastic wall, I laughed. Does that make me a terrible person?
Also, way to scream out only Kate's name and not the other guy's who was totally captured with you, jackass. I almost wish Sawyer had been in a cell next to him or something, so just so he could be all "Um, excuse me?"
"Kate, you're not my type." If it had been Jack or Sawyer in the locker room, on the other hand... (What? Yeah, you tell me you weren't thinking that too.)
I love how Sawyer's in a freakin' habitrail and can still be all snarky. ("And what are the people like?/Oh, they're just awesome." "I requested that cage, but whatever.") But then, he wouldn't be Sawyer if he wasn't, neh? Also, I love the baffled look on his face when the Carl disappears when he escapes, and the way he almost falls over when the guy reappears...probably for the same terrible reason I love Jack crashing into plastic walls.
Oh, and the fish biscuit vending machine "game". It made me giggle.
Different strokes for different folks...looks like they're doing different interrogation tactics on all of them.
Think the two weeks NotHenryButBen metioned to Kate is an arbitrary number? And if not, why exactly two weeks?
Meanwhile, in his flashbacks Jack has apparantly morphed into one of those people that stalk their exes. Jack, if it's gotten to the point where your dad is getting concerned, you have a serious problem.
And there's no need to take it out on Dr. Shepard senior, either, via insult or flying tackle into AA info boards.
So I guess the flail/cornucopia/squid symbol I thought I saw on the tunnel thing by Sawyer's cage is the Hydra, since they're apparantly at the Hydra station. Which is where all the zoological experiments are? I guess?
I know she's one of the Others, and therefore evil, but I'm kind of finding it hard not to like Juliette. She's just so "whatever" about everything, from zapping prisoners to talking about sandwiches.
Also, she may or may not have ninja skills, judging from the stealthiness. And the wham-upside-the-headiness.
And, are they trying to tell us that Daddy Shepard starting drinking again because of Jack? Great. That's just...let's pile on another Issue there, why don't we.
So, any votes as to what the deal with Juliette and NotHenryButBen is? Whatever it is, it's got to pretty awkward what with the close quarters and all. Yikes.