You know, I was totally trying to get something fairly productive done and read some more of the
Gargoyles Saga tonight. Figured I'd get some fanfic reading done, even if I couldn't get myself to do some fanfic writing, if nothing else.
But then I poured myself a large glass filled with a can of Sprite, and topped it off with Scotch Whiskey. Which turned the glass a rather funny shade of apple cider color. But still somewhat bubbly. And now I feel all floaty and tipsy. Woot. Verily.
You'd think after a year of college I'd be less of a lush than this. I feel vaguely ashamed. And have caught myself making several embarassing typos so far.
Well. I was going to try and update tonight anyhow, so why the hell not? First drunken post, I guess. Somebody write this down. Wait, I'm writing this down. Yes, I am.
This icon is soo appropriate right now. I am in awe of it's appropriate-ness. And it took me, like, three tries to spell "appropriate". The hell.
I must be typing like a total pre-tween now. Cus the last time I was all kersloshed,
eliara said I was, like, myself in junior high. All crazy-random-weird. And stuff.
And my face feels warm. And my glass is half-empty. And yeah, that totally makes me, like, a pessimist. But I'm a pessimist most of the time anyway. Except when I'm not. But the glass is half-empty now. In actual, truthful fact. Possibly more than half-empty. I could show you, if I had a webcom, but I don't, and that's probably a good thing. Because I'm ugly, and most of the time I surf the web without pants. Like Largo from
MegaTokyo, y'know? Only just without pants, not buck naked or anything, cus I'm not that big of a freak. Seriously.
Also, I'm sitting on a mattress like now. Like a hobo. Or a hippie. Or a hermit. Or many other words that begin with "H".
In kindergarden, Mr. H had Horrible Hair, and there was a song about it. Does anyone even know what I'm talking about? And he wasn't a chick, because he wasn't a vowel. That seems kinda vaguely sexist to me. Or maybe that's my inner femmenazi coming out through booze.
I wonder if being jdrunksh (I mistyped that on purpose, btw), has cost me the ability to HTML. I really hope not. But being jdrunksh (again, on purpose) has caused my thoughts to be all so much faster than my fingers. Uh huh.
But anyway. Life update. Nevermind that my life is boring, cus I wanna update, dammit. Because my life is totally important to me. Well, most of the time.
And my Mac 'N' Cheese is cold (Like on that one episode of Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends! Mac 'n' Cheese!!).
But yeah, writer's block sucks, because I think I've gotten tired of writing my own story. Which is totally bad, cus at the same time I haven't, and I seriously want to write it. Y'know? Nah, you totally don't. Cus I'm not a writer, I;m like a...something else. That only writes as hobby. Except I get attacked by these, like, writing demons, and they seriously mess me up. And I want to tell stories, like, sooo bad. But I pace around and I talk to myself and by the time I get to trying to write the actual words down, I've told the story to myself so many damn times, it sounds all wrong. And so absolutely laaaame. And so it just, I don't know, goes untold. And it sucks.
And Jack and Norrington are supposed to be all awkward at Elizabeth and Will's wedding right now, except I can't even get them past the front gate. Because I suuuuck. And I don't even deserve to be a writer. And so there.
Except that I totally wish I was. But I have no...dedication. I'm not dedicated. Or anything.
But yeah. I've done other stuff. Instead of writing. Watched NCIS episodes a bit, so I could get them off my computer and onto disks. Because I'm burning them. Illegaly. But, like, no one cares. No matter what Dad says. And so there.
I've also rewatched some Gargoyles episodes. So I could get their like, character voices in my head again. For when I read TGS some more. But I'm not doing that right now, even that's what I was gonna do. I'm so ADD.
Oh, and I painted my nails black. Cus I seriously just felt like it. And it was the only color I had besides silver. But anyway. And it would probably look so much more, like, "Goth" and cool, if...I didn't totally suck at painting nails. Cus it's all blotchy around the like...roots? Cuticles? Bottom part of the nail. You know. It's like, not being able to color within the lines. Only with nail polish, and the lines are the edges of my nails. Really pathetic retarded, and not cool at all, actually.
Mainly I've played more Sims2. I made this one couple WooHoo like, six times. Because they wanted to have a baby, and so did I. I wanted them to have a baby, I mean. Cus I totally don't want to have a baby. Not yet, anyway, but someday. I'm gonna totally have a baby then. Even I don't meet Mr. (or Mrs.) Right. Cus that's what artifical insemination is for. And so what if that shit grosses you out? It's a natural thing. Partially natural. Somewhat scientifically enabled. You know what I mean.
And I finally started my period today. I was totally typing "the other day", but then I remembered, the other day? Was today. And yeah. Period. And I feel all crampy and tired and nauseaus (and, I can't remember how to spell that word even when I'm sober, I swear). And actually it was worse during the day. So I can't say it's the booze. I always feel this bad when it starts. It was almost a week late, this time. Can't be cause of stress. Maybe it's because I'm getting fat. Cus I'm totally getting fat. Cus I'm lazy
Glass way less than half empty now, by the way.
And, yeah. I saw a movie.
I saw The Illusionist. And it was pretty. I mean that very seriously; it was a very visually well-done movie. What with the old timey camera tricks and soft...lenses? Maybe. Lots of soft colors. I think. I may be describing this wrong. But if you've seen the movie, I'll bet you totally know what I mean. And, if you didn't see the movie, see the movie. Because the story is nice and the actors are all good (Jessice Biel. When did she learn to act? I mean, seriously), especially Paul Giamatti.
Paul Giamatti. I totally love him. He is awesome. Like, I seriously heard about this movie and thought I might wanna see it, and then I realized Paul Giamatti was in it, and then I was all "I have to see this movie". Because, Paul Giamatti. I wouldn't have even known who he was if not for Planet of the Apes (remake, I mean, dur), and The Daily Show. But I'm glad I do. Because he is so totally amazing, because he can act like...a really good actor guy. I know that sounds stupid; I can't think of anything better (To say. I mean, type). He deserves all kinds of awards. Has he won any awards? I never watch award shows, so I wouldn't know. But I seriously hope he has. Because he acts. And is awesome.
But anyway, the movie was great. I saw it with Helen, that girl I had the crush on once except I totally don't anymore. And now we're just friends, and it's totally cool. And I really hope she doesn't think I'm crushing on her anymore, cus, can you say, like, awkward? And she's got a boyfriend now, who I think is the same kid in high school I always compared to the Pilsbury Doughboy mentally. And, ew. But anyway.
I loved the story. And, you know, the ending? With that huuuge twist big reveal thing. I was seriously like: "Son of a bitch." Out loud, even, not just mentally inwardly. I mean, I kind of whispered it, not like, yelled, but I still said it. Because that's how much I was...awed, I guess. Awed is a good word here.
And yeah, I totally recommend this movie. The Illusionist. Go see it, if you haven't already. It's got romance and drama and character stuff, and I really liked it. And so did Helen. And she's smart, even if she goes to community college. It's not her fault.
On Saturday I'm having lunch with Grandma, before I leave for college again. (On Sunday. Early in the wee morning.) And, we maybe might see a movoe. Except I don't know what we could see? I mean, there's really nothing out now I wanna see, especially if we have to find something Grandma would also like. I guess The Black Dahlia is out of the question? I mean, I know my grandma, and I could actually see her wanting to see that, but it's still kind of awkward going to an R movie with your grandma.
Maybe we could go to the dollar show and see...Lady in the Water? Probably too confusing for Grandma. But doesn't that also have Paul Giamatti? Paul Giamatti.
I wonder if Grandma thinks Paul Giamatti is cool too. She probably doesn't even know who he is, cus I know Mom and Dad didn't. How sad. Cus, Paul Giamatti. Everyone should know who he is. In a perfect world...yeah, in a perefect world, everyone would know who Paul Giamatti is, and not Brad Wooden Delivery Pitt or Tome CrazyPants Cruise. But they'd still know who Johnny Depp is, because he is also an actor. Not just hot. Actually, I don't find him particularly hot. Just good looking. But a very talented actor, and a nice and funny person from the things I've heard. Which is not much, because I am so far out of the loop I'm loopless (I'm, like, a straight line), but still. He's cool.
But yeah, Saturday lunch with Grandma. Tomorrow, lunch (or dinner, not sure, but Tommy's the restaurant is most definitely involved) with Mom.
And tomorrow I must also pack for college. And Mom, she didn't want me to pack my garb, from Ren Guild? Because it takes up a lot, too much room. Except I totally said I needed it, cus I need to wear it. At...functions. Stuff for Welcome Week. With the college freshman, which I am not anymore, how eerie is that (but
persephoneblue totally is, ha!). But see, I do have dedication! In small doses. Dedication.
But yeah, packing for college. Which I am going back to in just a few days. And I still haven't written another chapter of my fic. Even though I totally know what I want to happen. Practically play by play. But haven't written. Because I suuuck.
The glass is now fully, totally empty, by the way. Empty.
And I feel all fuzzy...headed. Floaty. And warm. And I should probably go to sleep. Before my fingers get even stubbier at typing.
Even though I suuuuck.