I actually first saw this in
cleolinda's journal, and was considering doing it just for the heck of it. But then
ficangel tagged me, thus solving that Serious Mental Dilemna.
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your LJ along with these instructions.
5. Don’t you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
6. Tag five people.
Blair slipped off her shoes and put her sock feet up on the dashboard. "I'm not applying anywhere else but Yale," she said. "But we can drive through Wesleyan if you want."
I grabbed the first book off my shelf I saw that wasn't a mythology encyclopedia of some sort (or, okay, a Harry Potter volume), and came up with You Know You Love Me, the second of Cecily von Ziegesar's "Gossip Girl" series. So, yeah, no smarty-pants books for me. *snerks*
And now, if they haven't already done it, I shall tag
merodi_no_yami, and