Just two exams and four more days, and I am out of here. I can't hardly wait. My own room, my kitties, my friends back home, my Sims2 families...fabulous.
Not much has been going on around here lately. Guild had try-outs for the main parts for next years plot and I auditioned for the daughter, but I didn't get it. Everyone keeps telling me I did really goodjob trying out though. To be honest, I'm not upset at all; I don't think I was really ready to be carrying the weight of a major role anyway. I was getting really nervous thinking about it. Maybe next year.
Besides, this means I'm open to try out to be one of the pirates...I think they're going to be capping the crew at six or so, and there'll be tryouts for them at the beginning of the year. Which means I'll have to get past the half of our GemiMarshall that'll be reportedly morphing into the Pirate Nazi ("No pirate for you!!"). I'm already thinking on ideas a bit. For now I'm calling my character Mabel (this may change), and I think I'll be making her into a very wenchy pirate so that if I don't make it into the crew I can just switch her over to a barmaid instead.
skylark913 got the daughter part and
geministep got the Mayoress, her mother. Yeay for them!
Speaking of Guild,
merodi_no_yami and myself are throwing a Mystery Science Theater party on Tuesday. I'm bringing the DVDs and she's providing her place and some pizza. So if any Rennies missed us talking about it at the meeting today, be at Cathy's place at 5pm on Tuesday...talk to her for directions, cus damned if I know.
And on that note, I assume you're going to call before you come get me Tuesday, right Cathy?
And Jan, if you're not coming would it be okay if I stopped by sometime to get my books back? Before one or both of us forgets about 'em again.
I finally got the adowable stuffed dino
sapphirebreeze mailed me; it's a very squishy triceratops of a sort. Thanks hon!
The kicker, however, is why it took me so damn long to get. See, apparantly I never got the package notification in the campus mail. So after 48 hours, the front desk taped a little note to the front door of the suite...which someone took down, set on a chair waaay over in the corner of the room where no one was ever going to look, and never told me about. I never would have even found the damned thing if I hadn't been wandering around the room today waiting for the Comedy Central commercial break to end (I was watching the Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again and you shut up, I think it's funny).
So, yeah, while it is quite possible that the front desk effed up and that one of the other people on our floor decided to take the note down, I'm finding hard to quell my burning suitemate-directed rage. It might have been just a stuffed dino this time but, shit, it could have just as easily been a care package from Mom...it might have been a surprise batch of cookies from Grandma who was all heart-broken over never getting a thank-you...I'm just being hypothetical here.
Just four more days, dammit. Less if you count the fact that some of them will be moving out sooner than me...
Been reading my latest book in the Anita Blake series, Blue Moon. Tsk tsk Anita, you ask a werewolf to bring you the head of someone you're pissed off at in a basket, and then you get all shocked when they actually bring you her head in a basket? I for one saw that coming a mile away. Also, just how many vampires can make themselves rot on command in this series? Dayum. Also also, Jean-Claude/Anita/Asher is, like, my new OT3.
Tomorrow I have to finish up my campus satire story, which I'll probably post once it's done, and study for my exam on Tuesday morning. Wish me luck on all of that. Yuck.
Also, I'm finally going to do that Ayumi Hamasaki song post I promised to do a forever ago...if I have time, I'll try to slip it in between my exam Tuesday morning and the MST3K party Tuesday night. If not, expect that on Wednesday.
Okay, peace out for now, ya'll!