(no subject)

Apr 01, 2006 01:40

I've been actually having a good first week back at school so far, my wonky scheduling aside. So far I've been getting to all of my classes and keeping up with the reading, which I'm sure we can all agree is always a good thing.

Yesterday it got all nice and warm and sunny, so after my German lit class I put on some jeans and flip-flops and went to go sit on the Oval and read. I'm a little over halfway through this cool book right now called Four and Twenty Blackbirds (written by our very own wicked_wish. You go girl!). After that I came back to the dorm to donate some blood, which always makes me feel good about myself despite the arm soreness and minor fatigue. Plus my period should be soon, which means I'll probably regret losing that extra bit of blood beforehand, but oh well.

Today I went to lunch with geministep. Then later I hooked up with Heather from Rennie Guild to make a trip to Joanne's, so I could get more fabric to redo my shirt after the first obnoxiously crappy attempt. After getting our fabrics and such, we wandered into the pet store I had spotted next door (I think what mainly caught my eye was the sign advertising their "fish of the month club", I kid you not) shortly beforehand.

About halfway through our stop there, Heather cracked "Were never getting out of here, are we?" I think we spent more time in pet store just looking than we did actually getting stuff at Joanne's.

They had a little black kitten, and some parakeets, and some pretty lovebirds, and some really pricey exotic fish, and some lizards, and a turtle...Oh, and there were three vewy sweepy pwppies. Two Austrian shepards and a brown cocker spaniel. Trust me, if you saw them, you'd understand why I need to use the Obnoxious Double-Yous of Cuteness.

What really killed me though, were the bunnies. Of course, to get ready for the Easter rush (which is a whole 'nother entry in itself really, and a rather irate ranty one at that, and one that I think poor Heather got unknowingly subjected by myself too because I have problems shutting up) they had plenty of ickle bunnikins. Little ones, that you could probably hold in one hand, with the twitchy little noses and the puny lil ears and the bright black button eyes and the slippery paws and the soft, soft fur. I fell madly in love with a batch of about five Dutch rabbits that were dark gray and white, and it didn't help that they were in an open-topped cage so I could reach in and gently pet them at my leisure.

I found myself very much wishing that I didn't live in a campus dorm. Or, alternatively, that bunnies could live underwater.

I swear, if I had any friends with their own place near campus, I'd buy the goddamned rabbit and keep it at their place, because...bunnies. D'awww...

Afterwards, I came back to my room, dropped off my fabric, and then went walking up to a nearby bookstore to get my Russian Lit books. Oh, and I had to pick up this very shiny book I spotted called How To Survive a Robot Uprising: Tips on Defending Yourself Against the Coming Rebellion because...oh come on, I just had to. I mean, seriously.

Later on I went over to geministep's to embibe in some more of the crack that is Ghost Stories. Sadly, the earlier episodes aren't nearly as cracktastic as the later ones, but they had their moments.

I missed Lost again this week, but I already downloaded the episode. I'll probably watch it tomorrow.

I haven't read anyone's full synopsis yet, but a couple notes I've caught in passing seem to indicate that Locke's Flashback Daddy continues to be an ass, and something majorly slashy happens involving Jack, Sawyer, and some mangoes. I'm all a-twitter.

guild, lost, reading, weather, tv, friends, college

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