...would not a DemonQueen by any other name be as insane?
Meme from
1. My username is ____ because ____.
2. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
3. My subtitle is ____ because ____.
4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
6. My thread signature is_____ because ______.
1. My username is "demonqueen666" because that's been my username for many a year, and I personally like reusing nicknames because it makes it easier to find people that way (which could easily be a bad thing as well, but whatever). When I first got into anime (and, hell, the internet in general), I had a hotmail account at "demonqueenryoko666", because Ryoko of Tenchi Muyo was my favorite and just "demonqueenryoko" was taken; I figured if I was going to add numbers, I might as well have some fun with it. I liked the name so much that I used it for something else, only it was too long, so I just dropped the "ryoko" part. And ever since then, I've always signed up for most things as "DemonQueen666".
I dunno, I like this nickname. It makes some people get weirded out, and some people might think I'm trying to be some kind of satanic goth emo attention whore-type kid...but whatever. *I* think it's funny, and by now it's sort of part of who I am.
2. My journal is titled "DemonQueen666's Corner of the Netherworld", because I'm working on a theme here. I figure if people are going to link my username to satanism and a love of pure evil, I might as well mockingly revel in it.
3. My subtitle is "Welcome to My Private Hell", because there's that theme again, and because it kinda sorta has a double-meaning thing going on for it there.
4. My friends page is called "Denizons of The Pit", because...well, theme. Duh.
5. My default userpic is...well, it changes quite frequently. At the moment, however, it's currently this one:
Because, first, it goes with me being a writer. Second, it just kind of has that deep philosophical, understated "questioning the universe" thing going on that I like (Oh, and as an extra trivia bit, that's actually an X-Files screencap...another reason, since I like X-Files).
6. My thread signature is "Lilith Is My Homegirl", because well, one, it's the theme again. Second, I just really love the mythological being that is Lilith. And third, because I'm one of those white girls that likes to use ebonics-type slang in a humorous context (Don't be hatin').
In other news, I think I'm coming down with something. When I woke up this morning, my right eyelid was swollen and it hurt to blink. I think it's gone down now, though. I also have a pounding headache (I can't move my head even a little bit without regreting it), I think I may be running a fever, my body feels cold, and I kind of feel naseous. I was sneezing earlier, my nose is stuffy, and my throat is kind of raspy. I'm also really thirsty.
This is finals week, and I still haven't started to study, and I need to see Charlie sometime this week because after this it's winter break.
I don't want to be sick. And I can't afford to be.