And a happy shiney sparkley extra-special HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the mahhhvelous
eponine119, who is a totally awesome person and possibly definately one of the best writers I know! Hope you have a great (or at the very least, not sucky) birthday, dahling!
Also, some quizzes.
DemonQueen666's Reason for Travelling Back in Time:
To tell Napoleon that Russia is cold
Take this quiz at From
You're a Slytherdor! You are a natural leader and
have the personality to back it up. Often
people are hesitant to approach you because
they feel that you will reject them. You have a
bit of a temper but most of the time you're
able to keep it in check; however when you are
really pissed off, people better watch out. In
your life you have a lot of things you want to
accomplish, whether it's for yourself or
another cause. You can be determined in trying
to pursue this goal but your morals are too
steady to allow you to be absolutely ruthless.
You don't let many people know this, but you
actually like the idea of chivalry (but you try
to keep this buried) and you try to live your
life with honor. You don't back away from tough
decisions. Your weakness is that sometimes you
can be arrogant, you forget about the 'lesser
people' and this leads you to underestimate
your opponents. With the charisma of a
Gryffindor and the ambition of a Slytherin you
can be great in life!
Which Mix of the Hogwarts Houses are You? brought to you by
Quizilla Also also, recaps of Tuesday TV! Behind spoiler-cuts, cus...y'know. Stuff. It happens.
Okay, first of all, how does someone's (presumably) anonymously donated sperm not get used after, like, ten years? Everything I know about the whole sperm donor process thing makes that pretty much some kind of unfathomable implausibility. Is it too much to ask for them to come up with an amusing subplot that embarasses one of the characters that, y'know, makes sense? I mean, how hard can that be, particularly if the intended focal point is Tony? He practically sets himself up for these kind of things on a daily basis anyway.
Okay, rant over. I honestly have nothing else to complain about, because this was, as is pretty much always the case on this show, a friggin' sweet episode.
I'm sure we were all thinking "Dude, Tony just got McGee is in trouble? What the fuck?", so what better time to employ some
lampshade-hanging, coutesy of everyone's favorite curmugeon?
"What the hell is going on here? First Abby's lab geek frames Tony, now McGee kills a cop! Did somebody break a mirror?!"
And I hereby nominate Gibbs for the coveted award of Best Line In The History of Ever. How is it that having the character actually say something like this makes it suddenly all okay? XD
McGee was dah bomb this week, BTW. Loved how Abby and Tony were trying to make him feel better, how Jimmy was trying to look out for his feelings, and how Gibbs wanted to protect him. Also loved how McGee finally came out and pointed that he is, frankly, a lab geek surrounded by people who were trained from day one to draw down on people, and he's a little out of his element here (for some reason, the fact that Kate got mentioned makes me want to give the scene extra bonus points; maybe it's nostaligia or something). Poor Probie with his puppy dog faces (a McGee is sad) just want to give him a hug and maybe some cake and tell him it'll all be better.
But it won't. Because he might have killed an innocent guy. And that's obviously going to be an issue with him for it should be; nothing irks me more when one of these shows makes something tramutic happen to a character and then just ignores it.
On the other hand, however, now I'm actually kind of scared that we might lose him...something about his "Maybe I'm not cut out to be a field agent speech" has me scared that if anything else goes wrong, he might just decide it's time to call it quits.
On the one hand: Yeay for actually causing some character-related worry and tension, NCIS!
On the other hand: McGee might actually leave if another really tough situation comes up, oh noes!!
Okay, I lied, I do have one more complaint: ENOUGH WITH THE "OMG GIBBS AND THE NEW DIRECTOR TOTALLY GOT ALL SEXED UP IN FRANCE!!1!" FLASHBACKS ALREADY!!! Read my lips: I. DON'T. CARE. Honestly, I've been finding more than enough about her character to get irked with as is, AND THAT'S NOT HELPING.
Finally...this makes it the second time this season that Tony has talked about having kids in a serious way (the first being in "Under Covers" when he admitted to the would-be assasin that he was actually starting to think about what it would be like to be a dad, right before he beat the guy's fool head in with a chair).
Heeey, what's that ticking sound?? Why, could it be...a biological clock?
Actually, I'm dead serious. Unless my math is even worse than previously thought, Tony's now 34 or 35 (they said he was 32 in S1), which means that if he ever had any actual plans along the lines of starting a family, now is probably a good time to get a move on that. The window of opportunity, she is closing.
Plus, at the end of S2, he almost died, and then one of his coworkers did die...these being the kind of things that make you realize life is short and cause you to think about just what exactly it is you've left undone, n'est pas?
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that one of the other team members figures this out and finds a new way to have all sorts of fun at Tony's expense.
Oh, and that we manage to avoid the Creepy Dancing Baby.
Also, two episode unrelated NCIS notes.
One, seriously all of my fellow NCIS-fan friends, go check out the
machi_neko art I posted the other day. The "pictoral evidence" of Shirtless Vampire Tony's 12-ness on a 10-scale demanded by my Shades of Gray readers is there, along with some other cuteness in form of some Abby doodles and some Tony/Kate.
Second, the other day
machi_neko asked me what the name of Abby's drink she aleways has in the labs is, because she wanted to know for an icon she was making. My automatic reply?
"Caff-Pow. [pause] ...Oh God, I didn't have to think about that." never good.
House, MD:
Am I the only one who just doesn't know how to feel about Chase now? On the one hand, he seems to be emoting with the patients okay, but it's hard to tell how much is sincere and how much is part of the "Good Doctor" act. I mean, I want to like him, I really do, but he keeps showing these worrysomely pathetic tendencies. Like last season when he played Vogler's pet in hopes for some job security. Now this season...look, there's no way around it: he's trying to be House. I'm not sure whether it's his misguided attempt to try and make up for his disloyalty in S1, another suck-up job security preservation attempt like what he already did in S1, or maybe even the fact that he just generally admires House now...but he's trying it nonetheless.
He usually plays the role of House in the conversations the Cottages have when he's not around, defending House's decisions or just generally talking like the guy does. He tries to be snarky, he tries to be bossy, he tries not to care. And it really doesn't work, because he can't be a jerk the way House can without...well, being a jerk. Tsk tsk, Chase. Tsk tsk indeed.
All the same, I did like how they showed that he cared about his dad dying, and that he seemed uderstandably upset at House for holding out on him. And while whether or not he usually cares about his patients is debatable, he certainly did care about what happened to the patient's kids at the very end.
And now for the moment we've all been talking about:
"I'm gay. Oh, that's not what you meant. It would explain a lot, girlfriend, why I'm always hanging around with Wilson, my obsession with sneakers..."
Fuck you all, it's canon now, dammit. As if what happened in the beginning of last week's eppy wasn't enough!! I mean, not only did he say he was gay, he specifically mentioned Wilson. Come on.
And to put a yummy red cherry right there on top...I swear to gods he looked straight into the camera as he said that. Fourth wall? What fourth wall?? Yeah, I don't see it either.
Stacey and House...get the fuck over it already. Sort. It. OUT. Good LORD, people. How many times can they almost approach some sort of emotional stability before suddenly yanking back to everything being all topsy-turvey before the universe just gives up and explodes out of sheer depression??
Also, I have noticed that there appears to be some sort of equational relationship here where the more we see of Stacey, the less we see of Cuddy. Thus, Stacey must go, and fast. Because Cuddy is awesome, and all must bow before her might.
Wilson's ending line: It's official, snark is totally the new STD. I <3 Wilson (and so does House...For chrissakes, just jump on a plane to Toronto already).
Next week: Foreman gets to be House's boss. Shenanigans!
Also, the Nip/Tuck episode was okay. Yet another episode of them finding whole new ways to make me scream "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?" at my TV...which is pretty much business as usual.
Also, the ending...GUT-PUNCH. Annnd, my head is spinning.
Well, my Bio 101 class is officially over now. Now I just need to finish my Anthro extra credit project for class tomorrow, and go to Art History recitation on Friday. Oh, and study for exams next week. Blarrrgh...
Tonight I have Fight Guild and OMGWTFLost.
Tomorrow I'm going with Susan to get my gift for the suite's Secret Santa exchange (Jenny is a swimmer and likes pink, and other than that I got nothin'. Woe.) and a holiday present for Charlie (I'm thinking it's going to be a book). Then after Anthro I think I'm meeting up with Charlie so we can finally see RENT. Whee!
As of midnight tonight, my holiday fanfic requests will be closed, so for any last minute requests or change of mindses, go to the post
here. So far, it looks like I've got seven fics to write in a month (oh god).
In other news, my itching to play the Sims2 has been dramatically revived after finding the journal of a certain Harry Potter enthusiast named
cloudlessnights. If you've never seen her Harry Potters Sims2 sims, I suggest you go check out her journal like right friggin' now.
I especally recommend you look at
The Timeturner Incident, because it is all just too priceless for words. Disco Lucius, Dumbledore's horrifying swim trunks, Remus getting abducted by aliens...really, I can't even begin to desribe it properly. Just go look.
I can't wait for vacation, where I will get to write fanfic. And play the Sims2.