Ah, The Joys Of Higher Education

Oct 11, 2005 18:35

From my Anthropology 201 textbook Patterns in Prehistory: Humankind's First Three Million Years (4th ed) by Robert J. Wenke, Chapter 3 "The Origins of Culture":

"Symons summarizes the major differences between men and women as follows: (1) Intrasexual competition generally is much more intense among males than among females, and in preliterate societies competition over women probably is the single most important cause of violence. (2) Men incline to polygyny whereas women are more malleable in this respect and, depending on the circumstances, may be equally satisfied in polygamous, monogamous, or polyandrous marriages. (3) Almost universally, men experience sexual jealousy of their mates. Women are more malleable in this respect, but in certain circumstances women's experience of sexual jealousy may be characteristically as intense as men's. (4) Men are much more likely to be sexually aroused by the sight of women and the female genitals than women are by the sight of men and male genitals. (5) For men, physical characteristics, especially those associated with youth, are by far the most important determinants of women's sexual attractiveness. For females, physical characteristics are somewhat less important determinants of men's sexual attractiveness; political and economic prowess are more important, and youth is relatively unimportant. (6) Much more than women, men are predisposed to desire numerous sex partners for the sake of variety [...] (7) Among all cultures, copulation is considered to be essentially a service or favor that women render to men, and not vice versa, regardless of which sex derives or is thought to derive greater pleasure from sexual intercourse."

...Well thank gods I have this opportunity to learn things here that I couldn't possibly have learned anywhere else! ;)

reading, sex, college

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