Supernatural Convention Chic@go!

May 14, 2008 13:47

Woot so I got the new invoice for the ch@nge to Chic@go @nd now know where me & K@trin@ r sitting... H24 and H25 which re@lly isn't b@d @t @ll considering its only moving b@ck two rows... @nd more into the middle. Before we were F28 & 29 I think. @nyw@y I know everyone is @ little upset over this disruption... @nd I @m @ little dis@ppointed th@t I ( Read more... )

supernatural, supernatural convention, real life, ramblings

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demonphoenix May 14 2008, 20:34:25 UTC
Seriously! :D Th@t @nd to some how l@nd @ room right next to J@red @nd Jensen... X) hehe. Ye@h... I sent them the em@il ch@nging... got @ th@nkyou note from the Co-CEO which m@de me h@ppy... It told me... well here I will copy @nd p@ste...

HI, Anne:

I have to say that your note has totally made my night as I am dealing with everyone on the change issue. MOST have been great but there are a few that think that we can control the filming schedules of our guests. It was wonderful of Jared and Jensen to confirm for Chicago this early as it made it so much better for us and everyone. They truly have been gentelmen and of course we at Creation care deeply about our customers. As scif-fi and Supernatural fans ourselves: we want everyone to be happy with what we are doing!

So, let me close in saying how much I appreciate your note and will work with our accoutning folks tomorrow to see that this is done for you. If there are any problems,before or on site, please print this out and have it with you and also know that you can reach me directly at the show.


Gary Berman


Creation Entertainment

Yep... so I didn't feel too concerned @bout them getting b@ck to me. I felt like the em@il w@s re@lly re@ssuring. :)


albeitslowly May 14 2008, 20:49:00 UTC
AWw, that's really nice. What did your note say? I'm afraid I might have been a little cross. LOL. I didn't say anything other than being disappointed that my seat would be lost, but I did send 'em like two emails from both of my email addresses, cuz ever since they lost that photo op order, I have been paranoid about keeping in touch. I think Gary sent my email to Leticia, cuz it was forward, and I think the note was: A difficult one... but he was referring to the fact that I had attached every email I ever got from them, including the ones about the misplace photo op. *headdesk* I just want it to all be over so I can go back to having all my ducks in a row again.

Oh, and did you find it as amusing as I did that they sent out that newsletter announcing Jim Beaver and put in that tiny note about Jensen at the bottom? Just supports what I always thought, which was, they were never going to tell us until it was too late to switch. It's just lucky someone went to the site and found it. I wonder who did that, anyway.


demonphoenix May 14 2008, 20:59:11 UTC
lol my note w@sn't th@t nice... more str@ight forw@rd th@n @nything else. Here... copy & p@ste @g@in c@use I @m too l@zy too expl@in...

My name is Anne Barclay and I want to switch over both my gold package tickets for the Dallas Convention to the Chicago Convention in November. In addition to this I would also like to transfer my duo photo-op (both Jared and Jensen together) to the Chicago Convention as well. I really appreciate that Creation is allowing attendees to do this, and I am very very grateful for this sincere display that Creation cares about it's customers. Thank you so very very much.
Anne Barclay

Here is my invoice information for both items.
(Just invoice stuff w@s here)

@nd ye@h... I think they were reluct@nt to let people know th@t Jensen w@sn't coming @fter @ll... I think Cre@tion is @ little @fr@id of f@n girls who h@ve @ll invested so much into their convention... rightfully so of course. Soo... I don't know, I feel for everyone involved. I re@lly w@nt Jim Be@ver to come to Chic@go though >.< Those @re the three of 'em th@t I w@nt to meet... Jensen, J@red, & Jim... well... & De@n, but doubt th@t will ever h@ppen lol.


albeitslowly May 14 2008, 21:09:05 UTC
Haha, those are the three I want to meet, too! Though Jensen's definitely top of the list. Ya know, if I didn't get to meet him, I'd always feel like there was something left undone, and I'd probably go out and do this again next year. I so don't want to have to do this again. This money spending thing gives me panic attacks like crazy.

Oh, and you switched both told tickets? You got more than one? Who's going with ya?


demonphoenix May 14 2008, 21:17:28 UTC
My cousin K@trin@ is going with me, @nd since we w@nted Se@ts together we bought them both on my @ccount... which worked just fine :)

I seriously doubt I will ever do @nother Cre@tion convention... though I @m seriously considering going up to V@ncouver @t some point... spring bre@k m@ybe ? :D

@s for the money thing... I feel like its gone now, so might @s well m@ke the best of it @t this point. @m such @ d@y to d@y person... @s long @s I don't feel like there is only $50 in my b@nk @ccount I @m ok@y. :P Of course when I h@ve to st@rt thinking @bout the @irpl@ne tickets @g@in I @m sure th@t will end up ch@nging.


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