Jul 01, 2010 16:41
The first thing I noticed now that Mara isn't here is how quiet the house is. I guess in hindsight it was quieter the last couple of weeks as she deteriorated, and there was less scrambling to chase Hemi.
The house feels emptier as well. (I know what you might be thinking - with 3 dogs and 2 cats how empty can the house be?) But it really does - she's not there just around a corner looking for belly love. It was amazing how much she actually understood when I would ask her to move so I could get to the pantry, and as soon as I was done she'd go right back to laying in front of it.
She was the first puppy I got after Hershey (my chocolate lab - creative no? :) ) had to be put to sleep. And yes I have other babies, but your first girl is always special.
As a result I've kind of gone on a cleaning rampage due to either depression/boredom/generalized anxiety or a combination of the 3.
I hope everyone has a great 4th of July - we were trying to make plans but I just don't feel up to going anywhere, even to see my family.