Apr 03, 2012 20:45
So we had some pretty bad thunderstorms roll through here at about 4ish this morning.. Rick gets up and lets sammi come to bed with us.... WTF?!?! here i am just coming back from the bathroom in my robe .. and a there is sammi curled up in my bed. Ummmm NO. I let her stay there .. after all it was 4 am .. But it will not happen again.. at one point i poked rick in the kidney and told him to roll over facing me .. that way if he got a case of morning wood he wouldnt be facing his 16year old daughter. She still isnt doing anything to help out around the house ... and I am getting tired of it .. If he doesnt do something soon about this .. i am going to blow a serious gasket. He asked her today to do the dishes.... it wasnt done.
I know as soon asi put my foot down all hell is going to break lose.. but at this point I dont care.