I watched McCain last night and while he already had my vote in the bag, he definitely took it above and beyond voting against the other guy. Plus Palin is like a damn saint. PALIN FOR PRESIDENT.
I'd like to see a LEGITIMATE, DOCUMENTED, and UNDISPUTED instance where she "abused power". Kids getting prego at 17 isn't exactly rare, and the fact that she is supporting her kid regardless gets her brownie points from me. And no experience is BS, she is the only one out of the candidates that has had any form of Executive experience. I'd like to point out Obama
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Documented and undisputed is frankly too much to ask. There is no such documented undisputed instance of abuse of power even for Stalin or Putin. Even so, she has helped her brother-in-law keep his job after using a taser on his own son without provocation. This is an instance where he should have been fired. This is the use of power for the advancement of self/friends/family and is abuse of power. Plain and simple
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7) His half-brother actually likes where he is, and wants to stay in Kenya. "I was brought up well. I live well even now," he said. "The magazines, they have exaggerated everything. I think I kind of like it here. There are some challenges, but maybe it is just like where you come from, there are the same challenges
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I won't go back and forth on propaganda because as you said about the Republican attack machine, the Democrat attack machine is no better (arguably worse but this about candidates not Parties
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Obama has said an increase in the number of troops on the ground would make things more peaceful while we were there. The issue is that the cost of keeping that many troops deployed, with no exit strategy, is just a waste. If we instead put that money toward issues at home, we would be a stronger country, and would have the troop reserves to deal with issues (such at when Russia invaded Georgia. If they hadn't left, we wouldn't have had the manpower to do anything about it)
While I agree more money and soldiers at home = good, at the same time I think the GWOT is more important right now. The war on terror isn't a traditional war, we need to fight them abroad or we WILL fight them here, and then it won't just be American soldiers dying, it will be civilians. American civilians
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The invasion of Iraq was not related to the GWOT. Iraq did not support the attacks of 9/11. There was no solid evidence of a desire to build nuclear devices. It was invented information by Rumsfeld and Cheney. Bush knew this, but he went in anyway. America needs to man up and admit it was a mistake and has made us weaker. That's not to say I'm in favor of "cut and run" but instead to pass the torch to the Iraqis, and prepare them for policing their nation on their own. They are very near that point now, and their leaders want us to leave. If we do not, that is the very definition of a hostile occupation
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Iraq was lead by a horrible person (who the CIA helped put in power). I don't mean to say that he was a even a decent guy, but I feel it is more important to keep a reasonable force at home for defense and sudden need. He wasn't the worst offender, and I still don't see why we went for him so early. We could have gotten away with supporting a coup and let them pick their own new leader. It's what we've always done in that region
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It seems the difference between us on Iraq, as you point out, is that we disagree if Saddam was a HVT. I agree that if he indeed was working on WMDs, he would have been a HVT. It turns out he was not. Without that, I feel he was not a HVT but you still feel he was for other reasons. I think this may be a position in which we have to agree to disagree
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Your points are all valid, but sadly in this war they aren't practical. For too long we left AQ unchecked and now it is an idea that is far too power and far too violent to be stopped with anything other than force
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