(no subject)

Jul 14, 2008 21:19

I guess I'll finally be moving into a new work section. My command is NOT happy with my work supervisor, and they are pushing to get me into another section where I will have ARMY supervisor's, so I won't get dicked around (leave getting denied, being told I can't deploy or go to training events, etc). So I'm pretty excited about that, I can't take these damn civilians anymore (to include the Airmen).

Other than that I've been back on a diet/exercise routine, trying to get back in shape. No idea honestly what suddenly made me want to do this, but hey, whatever. Been working out great so far. I run about 6 miles a day (probably about a 1-2 miles of that being sprints) and do random MSE here and there, mostly at work with this "resistance tubing" I got from the gym, and then some weights in my room. Feels pretty good to be getting back on the ball with that honestly.

Army is pushing to send me to WLC (a school for soon-to-be-sergeants) in the fall and I've got some other big stuff going on, but in interest of not boring anyone, I'll stop here. Not that I haven't already bored you.
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