(no subject)

Apr 22, 2004 20:12

what is it about calling in to a company that causes a persons iq to drop to 4 and makes them so hungry that they have to eat right now and chew in my ear? i never understood that myself.... so in an effort to help educate the general public, here is a list of what not to do when calling a business.

1. Using the bathroom.
Now, I understand if you have to go take a dump. That's gonna happen. But don't take the phone with you and make us listen. That's just wrong people, we don't want to hear that crap. Literally or figuratively.

2. Eating.
We do not want to hear you chewing at all, ever. It's disgusting. I mean really, if you're hungry, eat then call. Or eat after you call. This is one scenario where multitasking is not acceptable.

3. Yelling at your kids.
Look, I'm sorry your anklebiters don't know how to speak in anything below a shout and always run with scissors. But when you break off whatever you're saying to scream for the fiftieth time "Mommy's on the damn phone! Shut your mouths!" maybe you should realize that for the next five minutes you need to lock the kids in the closet and get some quiet time while you make your call.

4. Put us on hold to find information.
You're calling us for a reason, right? Which means you know what you want to do before you call us, right? That being the case, find all of the pertinent information to your call, gather it together in one big pile, and have it right in front of you when you dial the number. Is that asking too much?

5. Telling us about your sex life.
We do not want to know anything about this. Some things are better left a mystery. That's all I'm going to say on this one.

6. If you have a computer, know the basics.
There's a problem when I ask what operating system you have, and you say AOL. If you make a major purchase, please learn how to use it.

That's all for now. More later.
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