Title: The Terran Holiday
Pairing: Kirk/Spock, Soren, McCoy, Winona, Joanna, Uhura
Word Count: 7410
Rating: PG-13ish
Summary: Spock and Jim’s first Christmas back on Earth with their 6 year old son and 2 month old daughter.
Warning: Light mentions of sex. FLUFF (it’s in capitals for a reason).
Disclaimer: None of this is mine. Sadly.
A/N: Set in Sorenverse. Others are
here. Yeah, I wrote Christmas fic in June because that’s just how I roll. ;)
The Terran Holiday
It was ironic in the end how it came about. It was one of their very last away missions before they returned to Earth and it had been a complete success and every party involved was walking away with what they wanted. Or so Jim thought until the happy, pink coloured aliens informed him he’d be receiving a gift.
He almost asked to be beamed up immediately. Instead, he smiled and just hoped it wasn’t anything McCoy couldn’t reverse if necessary.
The pretty coloured aliens looked at Jim and Spock with large eager eyes and told Jim they were giving him fertility. Jim just blinked and Spock, who had been waiting by his side, turned to him with dark, promising eyes. Jim thanked them as best he could with Spock staring at him like he was a delicious meal, and requested for them to be beamed up to the ship immediately.
When they got there, Jim spent the walk from the transporter room to their quarters persuading himself that once they were alone, they were going to sit down and discuss it like adults. He hadn’t ever planned on having more kids and to be honest, he wasn’t overly thrilled with being pregnant for a second time and going through it all again.
They got to their quarters quickly and Jim walked inside, ready to talk over whether they even wanted another child and how Soren would react, but apparently Spock was on a very different page and had no intention of talking about it. Within a minute Spock had Jim on their bed naked.
Two weeks later and Jim was sitting in sickbay with a very aggravated McCoy.
‘Why, Jim? We were so close to going home without incident,’ McCoy grumbled as he ran a few tests on Jim, Spock standing close to his side watching McCoy’s movements critically.
‘I didn’t ask for them to make me fertile. If they’d given me an option, fertility would have been right down there with being smacked in the face,’ Jim said back, letting McCoy stab him in the neck with what felt like the hundredth hypo.
‘And you,’ McCoy said, turning to Spock. ‘Why did you have to get him pregnant? You know the risks involved.’
Spock had the small decency to look ever so slightly guilty before schooling his features. ‘It seemed logical at the time to mate with Jim.’
‘Well, at least this time you’ll be giving birth on Earth I guess and there’ll be more medical equipment,’ McCoy said, picking up the PADD and entering Jim’s details into it. ‘You told the brat yet?’
Spock outright growled. ‘Do not refer to my son like that.’
Jim sighed and turned to Spock. ‘He loves Soren, ignore him, and no we haven’t. I know the second we do he’ll ask a few million questions and, if he’s anything like his father, start attacking people who come near me,’ Jim said, glancing to Spock before looking back at McCoy.
‘Listen, Spock, I want you to know that if you can’t keep your Vulcan nerve pinch to yourself this time that I will sedate you, do you understand me? It’s my responsibility to keep this crew safe and I can’t have you attacking anyone who happens to glance at Jim.’
Spock raised an eyebrow. ‘I will try to resist, however, if Jim is ever in real danger, I will not hesitate.’
‘Look, we’ll probably have no more away missions before Earth so Jim won’t be in harms way,’ McCoy stated.
‘I shall try not to harm any of the crew unless they wish to harm Jim,’ Spock said and McCoy rolled his eyes.
‘Can I go?’ Jim perked up, hopping off the bed.
‘You know the drill, Jim. Rest a lot, stay away from stressful situations, eat well, etcetera.’
‘I got it. I’m going to the bridge,’ Jim said and immediately Spock made a move toward him. ‘Don’t you even think about stopping me.’
‘I understand your desire to remain on duty, however-’
‘Spock, I love you but I will not tolerate being told what to do when I am on duty,’ Jim said, using his best captain voice which caused Spock to sink back slightly and McCoy to let out an amused snort.
‘Very well,’ Spock said with a short nod and he quickly fell into step with Jim as they left to go back to the bridge, Spock closer to Jim’s side than usual.
‘How was your day, handsome?’ Jim asked, walking into Soren’s quarters after shift had ended, Spock behind him. He sat down next to Soren on the bed and kissed him on the temple.
‘It was adequate. I am currently studying the botanical properties inherent in Earth plants and flowers. I wish to start a garden when we go to Earth,’ Soren stated, his eyes narrowing slightly as he watched Spock, who was standing stiffly, hands behind his back. ‘You are keeping something from me.’
Jim smiled easily and rubbed his hand up and down his son’s back. ‘We have something to tell you. Some news.’ Jim paused, taking a breath. ‘I’m…well, I’m kind of… you remember the last away mission? Things happened and-’
‘Your father is pregnant,’ Spock stated, saving Jim from his unhelpful rambling.
Soren’s eyes widened noticeably. ‘Pollen?’
‘Err, no, not like with you. I was given fertility as a gift,’ Jim said, watching his son carefully.
‘It is far more of a burden than a gift. I do not see why you need another child. It is illogical to have another child when you already have one,’ Soren stated, looking down to his lap and Jim knew if he was fully human right now he’d be throwing a tantrum.
‘Do you not want a little brother or sister?’ Jim asked hopefully.
Soren turned to glare at him. ‘I do not.’
‘Don’t make this hard for us, OK? What’s happened has happened and I really hope you’ll come around to the idea,’ Jim begged as Soren got off the bed, facing away from him.
‘I shall not. Please leave my room so I may sleep,’ Soren stated and Jim felt his heart break slightly.
‘No, lets talk about this,’ Jim argued, watching his son carefully.
Soren took a beat before whirling around to look at Jim. ‘The pregnancy may cause you harm so it is illogical to continue with it. Especially when you already have a child. I think termination would be the best course of action,’ Soren stated, eyes blank.
‘Soren,’ Spock growled warningly, his voice low and tight and Jim had only ever heard Spock use that tone toward Soren twice before in his life.
Soren immediately sank back at the tone, avoiding his father’s angry look and turned to Jim. ‘I apologise. I should not attempt to persuade you to end a life when you do not wish to.’
‘Soren, you need to remember that having this baby is in no way a reflection on the way we view you. We love you more than the world and this child isn’t going to change that at all. Think about all the things you’ll be able to teach her or him, and the stories about space you can tell.’
Soren’s eyes softened slightly and his shoulders slumped. ‘You are not dissatisfied with me as your child?’
‘Of course we aren’t,’ Jim insisted with a small, reassuring smile. Soren moved a few strands of black hair away from his forehead and met Jim’s eyes, nodding sullenly.
‘It is illogical to assume that we are having another child because we are displeased with you,’ Spock said gently as Soren turned to stare at him.
‘Yeah, because the reason we’re having another child is because your wonderful father over there can’t keep his stupid Vulcan hands to himself,’ Jim said teasingly as Soren frowned in confusion. Jim got up from the bed and patted Soren affectionately on the shoulder. ‘We’ll leave you so you can have a think about this news and everything. We love you.’
Soren gave a nod and watched his fathers exit his room, his mind in overdrive.
11 months later
It was Christmas Eve on Earth and Jim and Spock had spent most of the evening answering Soren’s incessant questions about what Christmas was aand why humans bohthered celebrating it before making sure their daughter was put down to sleep after being fed and bathed. Jim practically collapsed into bed, feeling worn out and tired.
Spock gently nudged Jim so he was lying on his side, allowing Spock to press up against him from behind and wrap an arm around him. Jim felt Spock’s breathing even out but Jim stared blankly at the wall, feeling suddenly restless but still tired as his mind wandered to his mother arriving the next morning . He had a pretty solid relationship with his mother and Soren had met her many times over transmissions but he was still illogically nervous.
He gently pulled out of Spock’s grasp and lay on his back, Spock immediately draping himself over Jim half-awake.
Jim stared at the ceiling, his mind not slowing down, before realising he was uncomfortable and couldn’t sleep on his back. He attempted to move onto his side, arranging his arms so one was behind him and one in front. Spock waited a moment before moving back against Jim, throwing an arm around him securely.
Jim lasted 3 minutes in that position before giving a small sigh and shifting again to turn over and face toward Spock. Spock sleepily waited another moment, seeing if Jim was going to stay like that for long before wrapping an arm around him and pulling him slightly toward his chest.
Jim let out a small huff 5 minutes later and rolled back onto his back helplessly, Spock shifting again to accommodate Jim’s new sleeping position.
‘I can’t sleep,’ Jim said, scratching his chest idly.
‘I know,’ Spock said gently, opening his eyes and blinking. ‘You are distressed?’
‘I’m just nervous and anxious about tomorrow. Some people who have never met before are meeting and I don’t know, I’m just worried over it.’
‘You are referring to your mother.’
‘Not just my mum, I mean, McCoy’s daughter is going to meet Soren and that’s going to be an interesting interaction. Also, it’s a lot of attention and excitement for Amanda.’
‘She will be fine,’ Spock said reassuringly, pressing himself up against Jim’s side and letting a hand come up to play in Jim’s hair.
‘I know, it’s just a lot to deal with on one day.’
Spock leant in to kiss Jim on the cheek affectionately. ‘I doubt you will need to worry.’
Soren thundered down the stairs excitably the next morning as the buzzer sounded and quickly pressed the button to release the door as Jim came up behind him.
The door opened and Winona stood there, two large bags in one hand.
‘Merry Christmas,’ she said with a large smile as she moved inside the house, putting her bags down. Jim immediately moved forward to give her a quick hug, her head barely even reaching his shoulder. She then turned to face Soren who looked both fascinated and nervous, even though they’d talked many times through transmissions.
‘Soren, it’s lovely to finally meet you in person,’ Winona said affectionately, putting her fingers into the Vulcan salute which Soren immediately responded to.
‘It is pleasant also to meet you in person,’ Soren stated. Winona looked down at him in adoration.
Spock appeared in the hallway, Amanda in his arms who already had bright blue eyes and a fair bit of blonde hair. Winona’s attention was ripped away from Soren as she let out a long stream of cooing noises as she went over to Spock, who she ignored innocently, in favour of the baby in his arms.
‘Oh she is so precious,’ Winona stated, running a gentle finger along her small hand. ‘You are so beautiful,’ she said in a high pitched voice, Spock looking alarmed at the tone before exchanging a look over her head with Jim, eyebrow raised.
Jim just shook his head with a smile as Winona continued to coo over their baby and Spock looked like he was attempting to work out what language she was speaking.
‘Mum, I’ll show you where you’re sleeping tonight,’ Jim said, dragging her attention away from his daughter.
‘Ok,’ she said, making bye bye hand movements at Amanda who merely stared back, looking curious.
Jim put his mum’s bags on the floor of the guest room and turned, immediately feeling her arms wrap around him again.
‘I missed you so much,’ she said, her tone emotional. ‘You don’t know what it’s like, knowing you were out there constantly putting yourself in dangerous situations. I was always proud of you but I dreaded the day I would be called to Starfleet to receive bad news. I’m so happy you’re staying on Earth.’
‘Thanks, I think,’ Jim said awkwardly.
‘How are you though? How is everything?’
‘Everything’s fine, Spock and I are just focusing on making sure Soren doesn’t accidentally experiment on his sister at the moment,’ Jim said with a small smile. Winona gave out a small laugh, blue eyes immediately snapping to the door where Soren stood, looking ever so slightly shy.
‘Have you already opened your Christmas presents this morning?’ Winona asked as Soren stayed standing by the door, refusing to enter the room.
‘I have. I had hoped to be given a sehlat but I am constantly told they could not survive on Earth. However, lions are an earth based species and so I was disappointed not to receive a lion cub.’ Winona let out a long laugh and Soren stared at her, looking slightly confused before turning to Jim. ‘I was not aware I said anything particularly amusing.’
‘She doesn’t realise you’re actually being serious. And no, we’re never ever giving you a lion.’
Winona stopped laughing before looking at Jim in shock, like she questioned Jim’s parenting skills if his son seriously wanted a lion.
They talked for a few more minutes before the door buzzer went again and Soren ran off, reaching the door quickly and hitting the button to open it.
Jim smiled as he came down the stairs to see McCoy walk in, his daughter following him in, her dark eyes and hair colour similar to her father’s.
‘Bones,’ Jim said, immediately giving him a quick hug.
‘Jo, you know Jim already and this is his son, Soren,’ McCoy said carefully
She gave Jim a brief smile before fixing her eyes on Soren. ‘You’re so cute,’ she said, crouching down to his eye level and running a finger across Soren’s pointed ear. Soren looked mortified and immediately flushed green head to toe.
‘Jo, remember what we said about Vulcans,’ McCoy warned as she stood back up.
‘Sorry, Soren,’ she said sincerely before turning to her father. ‘He is adorable though.’
‘I am not adorable.’ Soren said, sounding extremely offended. Joanna just looked back down at him like he was a cute little puppy.
‘You are,’ Joanna insisted, raising an eyebrow.
‘I am not.’
‘Are too.’
‘Am not,’ Soren said indignantly, his voice becoming louder as he turned toward Jim for help, who was watching with varying levels of amusement. Winona came down the stairs at the noise and Spock appeared from the living room, watching Soren and Joanna.
‘Jo, be nice,’ McCoy said again, though he was clearly finding their interactions as amusing as everybody else.
‘How old are you?’ Jo asked.
‘Six years, 10 months, 14 days exactly,’ Soren said, sounding defensive.
‘I’m 12,’ Jo said proudly. McCoy rolled his eyes.
‘How about you let Soren quickly show you around whilst I catch up with everyone?’
‘But-’ Joanna started.
‘That wasn’t a suggestion,’ McCoy stated and Jim smirked as the girl lowered her eyes before turning to Soren, who looked like he was afraid of being left alone in her company.
Once Soren had moodily walked up the stairs, Jo following reluctantly, McCoy turned to Jim, Spock and Winona who all looked like they’d thoroughly enjoyed what they just witnessed.
‘I thought Jo and Soren would be interesting friends,’ McCoy said with a light shrug. ‘Winona, good to see you.’
‘And you Leonard,’ she said with a friendly smile.
‘Where’s the new Vulcan-human hybrid?’ McCoy asked.
Spock’s jaw tightened but Jim quickly smiled. ‘She’s down for a nap now.’
‘Father,’ Soren said, coming down the stairs moments after he’d gone up. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes hard. ‘She touched my anatomical drawings of worms.’
‘They’re worms,’ Jo said walking down the stairs slowly behind Soren and patting him on the head, slightly patronizingly. ‘Didn’t you have worms in space?’
‘No. There were no worms in space,’ Soren stated, looking at the girl like she was a very annoying specimen before giving Spock an aggravated look.
‘Why were they no worms in space?’ Joanna asked, tucking a bit of her brown hair behind her ear.
Soren just stared at her in shock. ‘Please desist from asking ridiculous questions.’
‘It’s a good question,’ she said emphatically.
‘It is not.’
‘Is too.’
‘Is not.’
‘Ok,’ Winona interrupted loudly, getting their attention. ‘I’m going to go and make some cookies the old fashioned way and you can decorate them to keep you both out of trouble, understood?’ Both Soren and Joanna nodded, looking chastised but also eager.
Jim moved forward and gave Winona a long hug. ‘You are never leaving ever.’ She gave him a wink before heading toward the kitchen, Joanna and Soren following obediently.
Jim was about to suggest for the three of them to go into the living room when the buzzer went again and Jim sighed, opening the door for Uhura who strode in, eyes darting everywhere.
‘Merry Christmas, boys. Where is your daughter?’ Uhura said, the three men giving her bemused looks.
‘She’s down for a nap,’ Jim explained and Uhura’s shoulder slumped in disappointment. ‘She’ll wake up later.’
‘Oh, Ok. Well, how is everyone? Where’s your other offspring?’ Uhura asked the three.
‘My mum has got Soren and Joanna in the kitchen baking and decorating cookies,’ Jim said and Uhura’s eyes lit up.
‘I better go say hi to them,’ Uhura said, disappearing into the kitchen.
The rest of the morning went by easily with Spock, McCoy and Jim lounging around talking between themselves, Uhura popping in every now and again to join in with whatever conversation was happening.
Jim got up and headed to the kitchen for a drink and upon entering, gasped in mild horror at the mess. His mum didn’t seem too bothered and both Soren and Joanna seemed to actually be getting along so he decided to leave the yelling over the mess until later.
‘Is Amanda up yet?’ Winona asked as she handed Joanna a cookie cutter.
Soren looked up. ‘I do not see what everyone’s fascination is with my sister. She is entirely unremarkable and does not do anything,’ Soren said bitterly as he went about expertly icing a cookie. Winona exchanged an amused look over his head with Jim.
‘Soren was telling me that you were called into his school a couple of months ago,’ Winona said innocently as she turned toward Jim.
‘Err, yeah. He needs to learn not to spend his entire school day interrupting and correcting teachers,’ Jim said pointedly at Soren who was pretending not to hear.
‘Apparently, he’d only been going there 6 weeks when you and Spock were called in,’ Winona said, a small teasing smile on her face.
Jim raised an eyebrow as he quickly got a glass of water from the replicator. ‘And?’
‘And, I was called in to your school because of your bad behaviour after 7 weeks. I didn’t think anyone would beat your record.’
‘Like father, like son,’ Jim said with an innocent shrug as he watched Soren put his tongue between his teeth, focusing on drawing an atom symbol on one of the cookies with an icing pen. ‘Atoms aren’t Christmassy, Soren.’
‘Everything is made up of atoms, including most things related to the Terran holiday of Christmas, such as presents and trees.’
Jim put his hands up in defeat as Winona placed more cookies in front of him, ready to be iced. ‘Joanna has been telling me that Nyota has been making a lot of trips around to the McCoy’s.’
Jim narrowed his eyes as his mother busied herself with cleaning some of the mess on the counter. ‘What are you saying?’
‘My grandmother believes that Doctor McCoy is in a romantic relationship with Nyota,’ Soren said casually, not looking up from his task.
Jim was about to reply when Uhura herself walked in with a small smile, walking over to Soren. ‘Need any help?’
‘No, thank you,’ Soren replied formally.
Jim gave Uhura a suspicious look before grabbing his glass and heading back to the living room where McCoy and Spock were in some deep philosophical argument so Jim quickly headed upstairs and found Amanda in her crib staring at the ceiling quietly. Jim really did appreciate that the Vulcan gene in his children kept them from crying all the time but he also found it unnerving because he never knew if anything was wrong.
Amanda let out a small gurgle as Jim picked her up with a smile. ‘How’s my beautiful girl? Have you been awake long?’ In answer she put her hand on his cheek before sticking it in her mouth, sucking on her own fingers. ‘You want to go downstairs or shall we stay up here where it’s all quiet and no one can take your attention away from me?’ She removed her hand from her mouth, a line of spit following it before turning up to stare at Jim, blue eyes large and curious.
Jim let out a fond smile and rocked her gently in his arms for a bit, enjoying the quiet of her room and his daughter peacefully staring at him in his arms.
He heard the inevitable footsteps up the stairs and sighed.
‘Looks like hiding time is over,’ Jim said softly to Amanda as he kissed her gently on the cheek, running a gentle finger up her ear to the point before readjusting her slightly and walking out into the hallway, stopping in front of Spock.
‘Is she well?’ Spock asked, glancing at his daughter who was busy staring at Jim’s shirt buttons in fascination.
‘Yeah, she’s fine. Better take her downstairs now to be cooed over.’
Jim went downstairs slowly, Spock right behind him and they entered the living room to see McCoy and Uhura sitting together, deep in discussion. Both turned and their faces transformed into soft gazes as they took in Amanda.
‘Oh, Jim, she’s lovely,’ Uhura said, approaching slowly, like she was afraid she’d scare her. Jim felt a hand rest on the small of his back and turned to look at Spock whose territorial instincts always seemed to kick in whenever people got very close to Jim and his children.
‘Can I hold her?’ Uhura asked quietly, reaching out her hands and Jim nodded quickly, gently setting her down in Uhura’s arms. Uhura melted, her usual strong façade disappearing to one of complete adoration and awe.
Uhura sat down on one of the chairs with Amanda, gently rocking her side to side and it was like the silence in the living room had alerted everyone in the kitchen and soon Winona came out, followed by Soren and Joanna. Joanna and Winona stared at the baby with absolute fascination where as Soren slunk out of the room, unnoticed.
‘She’s so small,’ Joanna remarked, sitting down next to Uhura.
Jim let out a small smile, feeling Spock give his hand a brief squeeze, before looking around the room and noticing an absent Soren.
‘Be right back,’ Jim said to Spock, who gave him a questioning look before Jim left the room.
It didn’t take long for Jim to find Soren in his bedroom, sitting on the floor with a PADD.
‘What are you doing up here?’
‘Nothing,’ Soren stated, sounding upset.
Jim sat down opposite him and crossed his legs. ‘You enjoying your Christmas so far?’
‘It is fine,’ Soren answered, his fingers tapping various points on the PADD screen.
‘We’re all going to have lunch about 2, is that OK?’
Jim let out a small sigh. ‘I know you’re upset that your sister is getting more attention than you.’
Soren stared at the floor, considering his response before turning to look at his father. ‘It is illogical that she receives so much attention when she currently excels at nothing where as I continue to be cleverer than children twice my age. It does not make sense.’
‘When you were a baby you were fawned over pretty much 24-7. No one could stop holding you and talking to you in weirdly high pitched baby voices. It’s her turn now. Doesn’t mean we don’t all adore you.’
Soren looked up from his PADD. ‘May I have a cookie before lunch?’
Jim blinked, the change of conversation topic abrupt. ‘Sure, only one though.’
Soren got up, gave Jim a small look he couldn’t read before scampering off downstairs. Jim had a feeling he’d just been played, he just didn’t know why or how yet.
It all became clear half an hour later when Jim found Soren in the kitchen alone, sitting on a stool, giggling to himself. Jim gave him a stern look before walking into the living room where his daughter was being passed around under Spock’s watchful gaze.
‘Mum, what was in the cookies you made?’
‘They were just chocolate chip,’ Winona said, barely looking up from where Amanda was lying in Joanna’s arms.
‘Oh god,’ Jim sighed heavily, immediately catching Spock’s attention who got up and walked over to Jim.
‘Is something wrong?’
‘Soren ate a cookie which had chocolate chips in. He’s currently swaying slightly and giggling.’
‘Who told him he could eat chocolate?’ Spock asked, eyebrow raised in concern.
‘I might have told him he could eat a cookie, but I didn’t realise they had chocolate in them,’ Jim said guiltily, glancing over his shoulder to where his mother was sitting.
‘He is in the kitchen?’
‘Yep. You know, it wouldn’t be Christmas without someone getting drunk,’ Jim said light heartedly.
Spock turned to him with a hard look. ‘You are making light that our 6 year old is intoxicated.’
‘Sorry,’ Jim said as they both walked into the kitchen.
They stood in front of Soren who was swaying side to side on the chair, looking up at the ceiling in fascination.
‘Soren,’ Spock said sternly, causing their son to blink a few times before fixing his eyes on his father.
‘Father.’ Soren stared, his eyes unfocused as he let out a small high pitched giggle.
‘You know you are not permitted chocolate and you chose to disobey,’ Spock stated, glancing at Jim who was inspecting some of the cooling cookies on the side. Jim was the fun dad, Spock was definitely the disciplinarian.
‘I like chocolate though,’ Soren giggled, swaying a little too far to one side and clutching the table to stop himself falling.
‘It is illogical to ingest something that you know can cause your body to have a negative effect,’ Spock stated, looking annoyed before turning to Jim. ‘He probably did not ingest too much so it should move out of his system quickly with lots of water intake,’ Spock said, eyeing his son who was prodding a bit of left over cookie distractedly.
‘Ok, you can go back to the living room with everyone, I’ll take care of him considering it’s my fault he’s like this.’ Spock gave Jim a curt nod before leaving the room, casting a disapproving look at Soren over his shoulder.
‘Ok, come on, drink this,’ Jim said, grabbing a stool and sitting down next to Soren, handing him a large glass of water.
‘I do not requite water, I would like a milkshake,’ Soren said, letting out a small giggle. ‘A chocolate milkshake.’
‘Soren, baby, you need to drink this or my mum will think I’m an irresponsible parent when I’ve only just persuaded her I’m not. Take one for the team and just drink this water.’
‘Doctor McCoy is very handsome,’ Soren remarked randomly as he took the glass from Jim’s hand and downed half of it.
Jim only just managed to suppress a snort. ‘You have a little crush on Bones? I thought you had a crush on Uhura.’
‘I do not have a crush on anyone,’ Soren stated emphatically, the remaining water in the glass almost sloshing outside of it as he moved. ‘Nyota is very beautiful though.’
Jim tried to hide his smile as he re-filled the glass and nudged it back toward Soren who clasped it and started drinking.
Jim had managed to cover up Soren’s minor episode so when they sat down for Christmas lunch that afternoon, no one knew what had happened. Jim quickly put Amanda back in her crib, thankful that their daughter was still spending most of her days asleep and hadn’t reached the constant attention seeking stage yet.
During lunch, Soren pretty much dictated the table’s attention by either saying something embarrassingly awkward or arguing with Joanna over something mundane. Soren then quickly decided to change tactics.
‘Father,’ Soren said to Jim, swallowing down some broccoli. ‘Why did you not invite Mr Williamson over for Christmas lunch?’
‘Mr Williamson?’ Winona asked.
‘Dylan, hes our neighbour to the right. Our very good looking neighbour.’
‘He is not that aesthetically pleasing,’ Spock said tightly, his body becoming rigid.
‘What does he look like?’ Uhura asked innocently, clearly hoping to bait Spock a little bit for fun.
Jim smiled. ‘Tall, almost black hair, good body...’
‘Just your type,’ McCoy teased, glancing at Spock who was looking extremely uncomfortable.
‘Do you like him like him?’ Joanna asked curiously at Jim. Jim almost choked.
‘No, Jo, I don’t. I’m just kidding around, he’s a nice guy and Soren, he’s not here because he’s with his family,’ Jim said, putting his hand under the table and stroking the back of Spock’s hand which was resting on his thigh. Spock gave him a look that told him they’d be having words later… or that he was going to rip off his clothes and bite him, Jim wasn’t sure.
‘Oh,’ Joanna said, looking down at her plate before perking up again. ‘How come Vulcans use the word mating but humans don’t?’
Soren looked up. ‘Because humans are mainly psi-null.’
Joanna frowned. ‘What’s that got to do with anything? It’s all the same thing.’
Jim eyes widened, knowing where this conversation was going but feeling helpless to stop it.
‘It is not. Mating is a type of meditation,’ Soren stated, ignorant of the looks flying around the table from the adults.
‘No, it’s not. It’s sex. Mum told me all about it.’
Soren frowned. Everyone at the table looked at each other in mixtures of shock and amusement as they all quickly tried to think of a new conversation topic.
‘What do you mean?’ Soren asked.
‘Like, the birds and the bees,’ Joanna explained.
‘I do not see what birds and bees have to do with anything.’
‘Jo…’ McCoy said in a warning tone, glancing at Jim who looked torn between laughter and mild horror.
‘Sorry. You’ll find out when you’re old enough,’ Joanna said smugly.
‘My intelligence is more advanced than yours,’ Soren claimed, his fork clattering down onto the plate.
‘Clearly it’s not if you don’t know what sex and mating really is,’ Jo said arrogantly.
‘Anyway,’ Jim said loudly, quickly thinking up topics before his son decided to ask him to explain what sex was at the table surrounded by friends and family. ‘That’s not something we need to discuss right now.’
Soren gave a small huff as he slouched back in his chair, arms folded across his chest.
The rest of the meal went by more smoothly, with everyone getting along and less personal and tension inducing questions being asked. Just as they were about to leave the table Winona placed a parcel in front of Soren.
‘Merry Christmas,’ she said quietly, kissing her grandson on the forehead as he went to rip into the wrapping excitedly.
He pulled out a large sized PADD with ‘property of Starfleet’ engraved on the back. Soren frowned in confusion before looking up at Winona in question.
‘This can’t be bought in shops, it’s more advanced and has more access and functions than your regular PADD. I thought you’d appreciate it.’
Soren looked at the PADD in awe as Jim turned to his mother. ‘Did you steal that from Starfleet?’
‘They won’t miss it,’ Winona said with a shrug as Soren turned the PADD on with a look on his face like he’d just been given the secret to immortality.
‘Well, thanks for given Soren something to help aid his inevitable world domination,’ Jim said jokingly, getting up from the table to clear the plates and walking into the kitchen. Jim was about to wipe down one of the counter tops after dumping the dirty plates into the cleaning replicator when he felt strong arms wrap tightly around his waist, a soft mouth kissing his neck.
‘Bones, I didn’t know you felt that way,’ Jim said with a laugh as he turned to face Spock. Spock raised an eyebrow.
‘You continue to tease me,’ Spock said, a small smile on his face.
‘I do, only because I adore you,’ Jim said with a grin as Spock leant down to kiss him gently. Jim let out a small moan as Spock tilted his head to kiss him more deeply, pushing Jim back gently until his back hit the counter edge. Jim wound his arms around Spock’s neck as the Vulcan pushed himself against Jim so their bodies were pressed tightly together.
‘Spock,’ Jim said, breaking the deep kiss and pulling away, panting slightly. ‘However much I’d love to let you take advantage of me right here in the kitchen, our friends and family are in the other room and I just don’t think it’d be a nice thing for them to see. Especially my mum.’
Spock ignored Jim in favour of nuzzling his neck, pressing soft kisses to it before moving back to his mouth and kissing him slowly, a progression of soft gentle kisses against his lips. Jim smiled against the kisses and was about kiss back when he felt Spock’s hand go behind him to palm his ass and realised he had to put a stop to this before they ended up having sex on the kitchen counter.
Jim quickly moved away, eyes glazed before noticing his mother standing in the doorway, a large plate in her hand and a bemused expression on her face at finding her son and husband feeling each other up.
‘Hey, need any help?’ Jim said awkwardly, ignoring the heated gaze Spock was looking at him with.
Winona placed the plate on the counter and turned. ‘No, it’s fine. I thought we could all watch a movie later, something child-friendly.’
‘Yeah, yeah, sounds good.’ Winona gave her son a slightly exasperated look before leaving the room.
‘No more groping me in front of my mother, understood?’ Jim said as seriously as possible. Spock just nodded back at him, a look on his face like Jim was an adorable puppy. ‘I’m going to check on Amanda.’
‘I don’t like the name Amanda,’ Joanna said as she walked into the kitchen casually, sorting dirty plates.
Spock’s eyes hardened and Jim quickly turned to her. ‘It was Spock’s mother’s name.’
‘Oh, I’m sorry,’ Joanna quickly said, her eyes apologetic. ‘What will you shorten it too?’
‘Shorten it?’ Jim asked.
‘Any name you give someone will be shortened by their friends when they get to school. I’m called Jo instead of Joanna.’
Jim let out a small hum. ‘Amy, I guess? Or Mandy. No, that doesn’t sound good.’
‘I do not see why it needs to be shortened,’ Spock said tightly.
‘Jo makes a good point, if we don’t give her a shortened name her friends might actually call her Mandy and how would I live with myself?’
‘What about Manda?’ Jo asked excitedly, the prospect of baby naming becoming interesting.
‘No way,’ Jim said as he leant back on the counter. ‘Maybe it doesn’t have to be short for her name, just close. Like, Anne or something,’ Jim said with a shrug.
‘Annie?’ Joanna blurted out with a satisfied smile.
Jim looked over at Spock who didn’t look too affronted by the name. ‘We’ll have a think about it later.’
‘Ok,’ Jo said with a cheery smile, leaving the kitchen, Jim following to go and get Amanda.
When he came back downstairs, Amanda awake in his arms, the entire living room had dimmed lights but was lit up in the 3D images of some adventure movie.
Jim quickly spotted Spock on the love seat, a space next to him. He adjusted Amanda in his arms and walked behind the sofa with Soren, Winona and Joanna on it, approaching the side of the sofa where Soren was sitting.
‘Open your arms,’ Jim said quietly, Soren tearing his eyes away from the images in front of him and looking up at Jim. He took in Amanda and opened his arms obediently, letting Jim settle Amanda into them gently. Soren adjusted her slightly before fixing his eyes back on the movie, letting Amanda stare up at him.
Jim quickly went over and sat down next to Spock and found his eyes shutting and his head rolling to the side onto Spock’s shoulder.
After what felt like only a few seconds, Jim was gently nudged awake. Jim looked to the side and up at Spock who turned to give Jim a quick kiss as Jim turned to notice the others heaving themselves of sofas, the movie clearly over. Soren stayed seated as he stared down at his sister in fascination, his hand gently playing with hers.
‘I’m way too comfortable to move right now,’ Jim said, turning and snuggling deeper in Spock’s embrace, looking up to find Spock’s eyes riveted on their kids on the other sofa.
‘Amanda needs to be fed,’ Spock said gently, shifting slightly to encourage Jim to get up. ‘I believe Doctor McCoy, Joanna and Nyota are also intending to leave and it would be rude not to say goodbye.’
‘Fine,’ Jim huffed, getting to his feet and walking over to Soren and relieving him of his sister. ‘Wanna say buh bye to Uncle Bones and Aunt Nyota?’
‘That tone of voice is highly annoying,’ Spock remarked to Jim as they walked to the door where McCoy was pulling on his jacket.
Uhura quickly came over to him, her eyes barely making contact as she smiled at Amanda. ‘You are so lovely and I don’t know how something so cute came out of… well… Jim.’ Uhura gave him a quick smile, letting him know she was joking.
‘Love you too,’ Jim said with a smile, leaning down to peck her on the cheek.
‘You take care of her, OK?’ Uhura said, indicating Amanda who had resumed sucking on her own fingers.
‘We’ll try,’ Jim said as McCoy and Joanna approached.
‘See ya soon, Jim,’ McCoy said with a nod.
Joanna gave Amanda a smile before looking up at Jim. ‘You have to bring her around.’
‘I will,’ Jim said with a grin as McCoy, Joanna and Uhura turned to leave, giving Spock, Winona and Soren waves.
Jim approached his mother who was leaning against Soren’s doorway, watching Soren with a smile. Soren was sitting cross legged on his bed with his new PADD in front of him, his fingers flying over it before pausing and noting down something on a separate PADD, completely oblivious to being watched.
‘It’s been almost 7 years and I still can’t believe I’m a grandmother,’ Winona said gently, turning to Jim who leant up against the other side of the door jamb.
‘It feels like 5 minutes since he was in my arms. Now he’s close to taking over the federation, I couldn’t be prouder,’ Jim said with a smile, watching Soren busily working on his PADD.
‘You and Spock are wonderful parents. Although, when he hits his teens you’re going to have to be careful he doesn’t start committing crime and getting beaten up in bars.’
‘He’s got enough of Spock in him to balance out my… disobedient side,’ Jim said, casting a look at Soren. ‘You better visit all the time now we’re back, he seems calmer with you.’
‘I know how to take care of Kirk boys, it’s a skill you just can’t teach,’ Winona said, putting her hand on Jim’s forearm and squeezing.
‘Father,’ Jim turned to see Soren staring at them both from where he sat.
‘Yeah?’ Jim said, pushing himself upright.
‘I have researched what sex normally refers to and I find it highly… disgusting. Why would humans wish to exchange bodily fluids? I do not understand.’
Winona covered her mouth in an attempt to hide her smile.
‘Well, you’ll find out some day, I’m sure.’
Soren nodded before looking down at the PADD and then back at Jim with narrowed eyes. ‘There is a lot on males and females copulation but I have yet to understand how anatomically sex works between two males.’
Jim laughed. ‘Don’t worry about it. You don’t need to understand stuff like that yet. Physics is far more helpful.’
Soren’s eyes lit up slightly as he nodded, sex becoming forgotten to learning scientific data.
‘Want me to show you how to access secure databases?’ Winona asked. Soren looked at her like he was slightly disapproving before deciding he didn’t care and nodded eagerly.
‘Mum,’ Jim warned, shaking his head in mock disapproval and a small smile.
‘What?’ Winona said innocently, moving into the room and sitting down next to Soren on his bed. Winona put her hand gently around his small frame and Jim had a moment where he thought Soren was going to all out panic and move away but Soren barely flinched.
Jim quickly walked down the hallway, checking in on Amanda who was sleeping peacefully before walking to his own room, finding Spock sitting up in bed with work in front of him.
‘You can’t be doing work on Christmas,’ Jim said, pulling his top over his head and quickly shrugging off his pants.
‘As you are well aware, Christmas holds no significance for Vulcans or many other species for that matter.’
‘Grinch,’ Jim said teasingly, lying down on top of the covers next to Spock and letting his head fall to his husband’s shoulder.
Without a beat Spock put several PADDs to the side and wrapped an arm around the back of Jim’s back. ‘You are aware we will have to keep a close eye on our son and his propensity to manipulate so he can get what he wants. I cannot fathom where he got that skill from.’
‘Funny,’ Jim said with a smile, turning on his side and throwing an arm across Spock’s chest. ‘My mum said we’re good fathers.’
‘You are pleased she approves of your parenting?’
‘Little bit, yeah. She may have had her flaws when trying to rein me in as a teenager but overall, she did her best.’
‘I still do not believe your mother considers me a good match for you,’ Spock admitted, his tone carefully neutral.
Jim sat up with a teasing smile. ‘I thought wanting approval was illogical.’ Spock just shot him a glare. ‘Don’t worry, she adores you. Primarily because it’s your fault she has two adorable grandchildren but also because you have managed to keep me under control.’
‘I very much enjoy keeping you under control,’ Spock said, leaning across and pressing his lips to Jim’s slowly.
‘You Vulcans are so dominating.’
‘I do not often hear you complain.’
‘Yeah, yeah. When my mum isn’t around you can be as dominating as you want,’ Jim said, lying down and snuggling into Spock. ‘Merry Christmas.’
‘I hope you had a satisfactory day which is used to celebrate the Terran holiday.’
‘Love ya too.’
A/N: Hope this turned out OK! I have what feels like a few million unfinished Kirk/Spock one-shots waiting for attention and a chaptered college AU so I’m going to take some time out of this 'verse and try and get around to sharing them.