(no subject)

Feb 19, 2005 08:44

Okay yah, last night was pretty scary.

Paris spent the night, and she and I went to bed. I woke uo at like, 3 in the morning and it was raining really hard. Then I saw lightning. It wasn't just like, a few lightning strikes every few minutes, it was one right after the other. So I got up and I was like, "Paris! There's lightning!" Ans she wakes up and is like, "Duh..." Then goes back to sleep. So I stand there at my window trying to see the lightning and stuff, when all of sudden I start hearing these loud 'pop'ing sounds.

My though process after hearing that is this:

Did the house just get struck by lightning... Dad has a lot of metal in the back and it could have conducted some electricity... Wait...did the lightning go into the wires in the walls? Oh my gosh, Are we going to blow up?

A few moments later we figured out that it was hail... haha.

So yeah it started hailing like, quarter sized hail at like three in the morning. Pretty creepy, very loud. lol It's still raining like a b**ch right now. Crazy stuff man.
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