(no subject)

May 19, 2009 08:36

I didn't finish.

AMCAS allows me to list 15 college "achievements" (extracurriculars, honors, awards, research, volunteer activities, etc. etc.), and I've listed 'em. But I have an add'l 10ish I didn't have room for! AHHH. I couldn't put down: resident hall council; college partnerships for kids; a work-related experience at a nonprofit; model un; sociology honor society; presentation at the science symposium last year; scribing/shadowing; and... croquet club. lol

I felt like crap, so I went to bed. As I was brushing my teeth, I noticed this weird, white growth on my tonsils, so I managed to scrape it off. >__>

I woke up with a sore throat... AND IT'S BACK. ahhhh!

I imagegoogle'd this, and it looks like I have either tonsilitis or mono. Wtf.

Doctor appointment, first thing tomorrow.
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