
Sep 22, 2008 13:23

Dear Fat Girl w/ the Gross Boyfriend,
For some reason, I -almost- feel guilty whenever I get this mental image of an unwashed cow, every time you walk by the study lounge with a sneer on your face. Then again, not really.

I don't know why you get so passive-aggressive when my friends and I go to study in the same STUDY-lounge that you and your awkward boyfriend enjoy taking over. It happens to be the biggest, nicest study lounge in the entire building, and it can easily accommodate ten people. It's not your private lounge.

Also, we're not a rowdy crowd-- we just sit and read in silence, without disturbing the peace. There's no reason for you to angrily tap your pen, or to obnoxiously hit the keys of your keyboard so hard. Oh, and don't let me forget the fake, angry cough you suddenly develop.

When you're walking by the lounge, don't hit your feet against the floor so hard. It's unladylike, and esp. unflattering to a girl your size.

Dear Friend,
Please get off your moral high horse. I know that I BS'd some data for orgo lab, but I spent 5 hrs working on a 4 hr lab and I was frustrated by the poor end result. So what if I made my data seem like I had a 10% higher yield than I actually did? True, it wasn't my best moment-- but after all that effort, I would've been pissed to get less than an A. No need, really, to get self-righteous and tell me that I'm unethical. It's not like I'm going to get published with that silly experiment. >___> And, anyway, we both know you also make up data when you're getting tired of being in lab.

Dear Mom,
I wanna come home, but I have so many exams back to back and I NEVER get anything done when I'm away from campus. :O Sorry.

Dear Developmental Bio,
You -will- get done. Somehow.

Dear Orgo Lecture,
It's quite unfortunate that you take place at 8 AM on MWF, and I regularly go to bed at 2 or 3 AM. I'm far too sleepy to attend. But... I really need to get caught up.
Hopefully this weekend, when I'm done studying for Genetics?

Anyway. Today is the first day of autumn~ I'm excited. :) Autumn and Spring = my favorite seasons. They're both seasons of tremendous change. How convenient that I desperately need change in my life.
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