My New Office :D

Jan 04, 2008 12:20

We have finally moved back to our former location and it's wonderful. I thought I would share some photos I took earlier this morning when I got to work. I am VERY pleased with the new digs. The best part for me (especially if you know me well) is that I am able to shut my door and listen to music while I work without having to use my earbuds all day. I leave my door open enough to hear the back door buzzer though, should it go off for deliveries. ;)

Bear with my excitement, this is the first time in my years of jobs that I have ever been given an office of my own. It's really a wonderful thing. :) I'll have my box added to my door at some point. In addition, I am able to bring in artwork or posters to hang up to add character to the walls. I have a few paintings I did myself that may work well, though I've begun planning a giant 20" >< 30" foam board (gator board) held Bomberman montage with artwork from all of the games, comics, etc. In pixel space, you're talking MASSIVE potential. Anyways, back to work. Enjoy the photos.

As you see, I have lots of open desk space, and have gotten most of my files organized well enough for day 3 in the new space. A Pirates of Penzance poster from the show put on last semester on campus sits looking out toward the door.

Lots of office supplies, a photo montage Laura made for me, my dragons in eggs, my Dalek pumpkin printout, and other important data within hand's reach. Bomberman on my desktop, obviously.

Looking out onto the common work area of technical services where students have work stations, we have supply and book storage, printer, microwave, and our fridge! I may buy a hot chocolate thing or hot water dispenser for us, since there is a hot water dispenser downstairs in the water cooler unit.

Looking toward the nearest window to my desk. I decorated the metal frame with magnets that were left over from my last desk.

IMO the best view from my office. Looking out onto a renovated parking lot and woods behind. Amazing. I ♥ woods. Even with cars filling it during the semester it will look great. Looking forward to the Fall!

Looking out the other window, which gives a bit of the passing traffic.

Grainy photo of what it looks like looking into my office at an angle. No books on my bookshelf yet but I can always bring a few in. You also see my Blueberry colored book truck a bit better. I have a red one as well that is squatter and wide. The book trucks are probably the handiest things I have for the job outside of the PC and Symbol barcode scanner. Oh, and the Swingline stapler. I'm not quite "Office Space" obsessed with it, but that is probably because no one has stolen it from me. LOL

The current book I'm working on during lunch and so forth. I finally am reading it, which makes Laura extremely happy so she has someone to talk to about it every day. LOL I am enjoying it so far though. However, I am glad I waited to read it on MY timeline. ;)

I just had to provide a zoom in of this monster. It is the most heavy duty keyboard tray I have EVER seen in my life. The thing has angle options, height options, terrific support, a built-in wrist pad, and a pullout mouse tray that can be set for righties or lefties. It supports my Trackball nicely.

Hope you enjoyed the virtual jaunt of my happy place at work. It's very comfortable. I have a heater to keep the cold away, have plenty of room to move, and constant light coming in the window but not in such a way that it creates glare. Listening to music without my earbuds on is really the best part outside of being able to decorate it soon and also having a door. :)
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