Ramadan fast!

Jul 15, 2013 05:55

This entry is public so anyone else doing this for IR can read :)

Dawn was 5:47 here, Sunset is 8:30

5:50 A.M. - I'll update this post throughout the day. Fair warning, it will most likely have Peanut pictures, as she got up with me and demanded to eat with me and is generally a cute nuisance!

For our pre-dawn meal (Suhoor, I found it spelled many different ways!) we had: dates, eggs with a bit of cheese, grapes, carrots, and cereal. Quite frankly, I ate more than I should have. I went to bed late last night and drank six! glasses of water before I went to sleep. I had four this morning with food. So hopefully having had ten glasses of water in the 5 hours previous to dawn, I'll make it through the day.

Right now, I'm tired, feeling thirsty (drinking that much water always makes me feel that way for a little bit for some reason) and overstuffed. Peanut and I will probably go back to bed soon. Just feeling happy my alarm woke me and that I'm able to do this :)

9:30 am - Peanut demands we get back out of bed by doing things like jumping on my head, pulling my hair, trying to yank my cartilage ear ring out, saying "get up!", and generally, again, being a cute nuisance. I'm a little thirsty, but I think that will pass soon. I wake up thirsty, get busy and forget to drink til late afternoon sometimes anyhow. I'm not really awake enough to be coherent right now. But I'm thinking of you IR!

Noon - I have eight and a half hours to go. My stomach is starting to grumble now and again. I almost went to get something to eat around 11:30... but it was no more than a turn towards the kitchen. Peanut is napping on me and I'm editing old fanfiction. I keep taking breaks to stop and contemplate things.

1:00 pm - Officially hungry. Peanut keeps wandering by with carrot sticks and dates. I'm sleepy but she's wired, so no napping for me. When I stretched out in the chair she woke up. Figures! Hoping this gnawing goes away in a bit. It's good for me though :)

4:00 pm - Tired, a bit hungry. Having a bit of a melancholy stretch, but I honestly think that's from being tired, not from food abstinence! It's been a good day overall! Four and a half hours to go. I've taken time to reflect on things in my life today and it's been nice.

5:30 pm - The part of the day I've been knowing would arrive is here, the 'no food resulting in nausea' phenomenon. Being tired doesn't help. I'm actually going to see if Peanut will let me nap (her dad is home) Maybe I can nap through the tummy irritation, which should last another 45 minutes to an hour given past experience. Today has been absolutely wonderful, even though it's been hard. Just three more hours!

9:20 pm - That was unexpected. Peanut let me sleep. I slept til 8:50. I slept the last three hours of the fast curled up on the love seat, part of that time snuggling and nursing The Nut. Jay teased me briefly about taking Peanut out for ice cream without me when he got home. Today was wonderful. The hardest part was midday. Even with the stomach upset near the end of my awake time.

IR, thank you for letting me share this with you <3
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