hehehe ^____________________^;;;;; *too much sugar*

Jul 23, 2004 01:33

>.> DUDE!!!! IM LIKE...MAJORLY HAPPY! FOR ONCE I FUCKING DID SOMETHING YAY ME!!!!!!!!!!! >.> <.< heheh a few friends came over earlier and its been pretty fun lol. Just finished watching "You got served" AWESOME movie o_o; and thats pretty good coming from me cause i usually dont like movies like that too much. ANYWAYS! omfg because of it...i wanna dance o_o; and i was a little bit before writing this XD angela's um...trying to teach me how XDD I soooo cant dance lol but hey i did get a few moves!! so its all good lol...she just needs to help me with that tick tock thing she does..i cant get that....x.X; to much ass moving there for me XDD Oh well lol..anyways. Im like having a wicked awesome time right now very happy hehe ^_____________________^. After this entry I'm gonna go like..dance some more with Angie hopefully learn something lol.

Lesse...Today..i got to talk a bit with everyone actually ^___^ and got to see some piccys of Mike's (kaskeroo's) ADORABLE birdies lol i loved them theyre so pretty ^___^ heh...now..my mike x.X; not sure whats going on with him lol..umm..but yeah...newho!!!!!Called a few people today..or rather..called one and go called by one lol ^_^ talked with Casey and Stephen lol always fun nay? ^__^ Hehehe....read through everyones journal's a little bit earlier too ^__^ hehe....Ray Ray put in his journal bout me and him pretending to be b/f g/f on his forum to keep one of his ex's away but oh well XD lol it was fun lol

Hrm.....OoooOOO!!!!! DAMN! PEOPLE! you need to remind me not to go out in a skirt x.X;; ouch ouch ouch my ass...like...its targeted or something x.x;; stupid keith and michael evil boys they are...course....Angie got the worse of it XDDD NOW THAT WAS FUNNAH! lol seriously xDD they like kept trying to give her hugs and such afterwards and she kneed em in the balls lol.

Now hrm...what else can i tell ya bouts...OH!! my outfit today...makes me look...like a very very demented little school girl XDDDD I mean jeez lol im wearing a mini then one of those lovely little shirts..and stockings..and well..converse XDD but still its all black and purple..and then i have my collar on XDD i love this outfit..though i do think i scared a girl today...or rather..got her upset at me for wearing it >.>;;;;

Nya..i met this girl at the pool today..she was really cool and all..cept...she's one of those people that strongly believe in their religion..and yeah..i like my religion but x.X;; she scared me seriously...dude..i mean she asked what my religion was..and what i knew about it and crap..then like she kept going on bout god and all which is all fine and dandy till she starts askin other people too ya know..and when they say anything other than christianity....O_O; my god..she like trys to force her religion on them..tis creepy x.X;;; so when i told her i was sorta jumping back and forth between beliefs.. i didnt tell her the other religion <.<; didnt want to get drowned ya know? >.>;;;; anyways...after a long talk with Angie, Neya, and I...she decided we needed to learn more bout god..and asked if we'd get out of the pool and come out and talk with her..so we said okai and went up...and well..thats how i ended up in my outfit >.>;;;; hehehehe....she didnt much like it ^_^;;; first thing she said to me when she saw me was "Dont you think that skirts a little to short" i had to seriously bite my lip to keep from laughing. then she went on about skirts having to be bout 1 inch past your knees?? i was like..wtf...woman..this is 2004 if you want to see short go watch a music video..now THATS short...what i have on is considered long nowadays...>.>;;; anyways...lol

Isnt that all nice little info bout my day!?!? I'm sorry i went on like that..bout well nothing..but i hardly ever leave my computer XDD so it was nice lol. Course...Aarons mad at me and angie i think..cause when we came out..he went in...though..i think it was cause keith was there..and aarons sorta jealous >.> <.< cause we all know he likes Angie...hehe *laughs insanely* I'd play matchmaker..but ...aarons an ass..so yeah..dont need her going out with that...newho.......

Need something to do..gonna go dance again i think lol it was pretty fun...or...maybe i might just go lay down in bed...and umm...i dunno...maybe one of you could join me? ^.~ >.>;;;; *coughs and erases that last comment* none of you saw that <.<;;;;; *coughcough* Well at least no one knows to whom i was refering there XDD lol...yea..but im gonna go do that ^__^ lol plus angie's buggin me go dance with her some more XD so i must do as commanded before she yells at me again x.X:;;

Hope i didnt bore anyone to death..and to whoever read ALL of that..im terribly sorry...terribly terribly sorry....you poor dear..i should have warned you in the beginning it was all worthless..but oh well..at least now you know how my day went XDD lol.

Well love you all ^______^ hope your days were okai ^__^ talk to you all soon lol

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