Pity. Amidst the bloodshed and tears, this city felt more alive.
Perhaps one cannot ask for too much..
Hm. Strange. While my place of residence becomes a marvelous place I am not too used to being around.. exhaustion becomes apparent in my self. And this does not come from Zackary having refused to let go of me and refusing me the right to
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((OOC: He vanished right? You said he would do that?)).
[ooc; Yep. And mocked her and vanished, only to be latched onto by Zack. ;D]
Did your mother call you to go to bed?
((OOC: LMAO. Alexiel's not buying his arrogance, it sounds so hard to safe face, considering the curse of the day XD Go Zack!)).
[ooc; *snerks* Oh yeah. Zack-mun drew an awesome pic of the event, just scroll down, you'll find it. :D ]
((OMG. That's SO GREAT. *worships* Does Sephiroth knows the worlds will go boom? Even him and Jenova?)).
[ooc; Yep. And he's prepared to take as many down as he can at the same time as some weird mercy. :D]
I just want to make something clear. Are you in league with the countdown reaching its fate or against it?
The world must come to an end. It is Mother's wish. If it will aid her journey by accepting this destruction, then I will aid this 'countdown' of which you speak without worry. Death is hardly a burden to me.
Did you think otherwise, angel Alexiel?
I was wondering if we'll fight again. That's all. I have my answer. Next time you disappear, I will chase after you, Sephiroth.
If the time calls for it, we will battle again.
The countdown stops. Your mother, her children, any world or lifetime that may hold shelter for you or her will just be oblivated.
I prefer to avoid the crisis but I'm not adverse to fighting either.
((OOC: She's like. DUDE, your ego matches Rosiel's or Lucifer's)).
Then all will be as it should. Why do you repeat it as if I do not know, Alexiel?
[ooc; He's frighteningly calm about this. ;-;]
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