Nov 12, 2004 23:57
I can't sleep. Actually i haven't even tried. Its not even late what am i talking about. I feel much more relaxed then i did 2 hours ago. I dunno i just get so fed up with rules, restrictions, anger, hate, and yelling. Its all so negative and so hurtful sometimes. I dunno. I feel bad about what i said about my mom, i mean im lucky to have a mom, some people don't even have a mom. I shouldnt of said what i said before, i was just upset. I guess her and i are okay now. I stayed in the office all evening trying to focus on my homework and watching white oleander, i figured maybe if i leave her alone away from me she'll be able to calm down. She said good night to me, and so we're okay for tonight. Hopefully tomorrow goes okay.
good night