May 06, 2008 21:06
Well graduation is only 3 days away now (4 if you count the day of graduation) and though I am lucky enough to have a job I am still pretty unnerved by it all right now. I don't have a place to live yet, I will be calling a couple of places tomorrow(some of which I was told to avoid but I don't have much of a choice until I actually start getting paid) I know things will work out and I am not really looking for reassurances (though I wouldn't mind them) I am just have that anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach that I hate. I hate to admit it but I am scared about this change, terrified really. I know the fear is kind of stupid and I am a lot luckier than most people out there but that doesn't make the feeling go away.... I feel kind of lost with all the changes going on. Not that I don't want them to happen because I do, I am just not sure if I am ready for it. I am trying to suck it up and deal but it doesn't seem to be working this time.
On a better note my second trip to Boston was slightly better, I was late to my appointments so had a mini-freak out in the morning but everything turned out ok thank the gods. I wandered around Boston for a while hoping to hear from people about a place to live but no luck. Found the Boston public library, checked my email, killed some time in a Barnes and Noble and then wandered some more. Got a little lost but had enough time that it wasnt a big deal and was actually kind of enjoyable. I even made it back in time to go bowling. I do have to call my manager tomorrow, because everyone kept talking about going over stuff and getting my id badge at orientation which Brian never mentioned (EEK)
Ok just had to say that first part, hoping it would help, unfortunately it didn't....oh well enough complaining.