Nov 17, 2008 15:51
[14:59] Jeremy: ah
[14:59] Me: as i'm losing passion for the newly released games
[14:59] Me: i'm a stickler for a good rpg
[14:59] Jeremy: i know what your meaning
[14:59] Me: and ...there has been very few as of late
[14:59] Jeremy: I LOVE RPGS!
[14:59] Me: haha
[14:59] Me: played Chrono Cross?
[15:00] Me: Or Shining Force?
[15:00] Jeremy: well... World of Warcraft... best RPG ever!
[15:00] Me: those are my like
[15:00] Me: AL...ew
[15:00] Jeremy: Shining Force was fun
[15:00] Me: LOL
[15:00] Me: i don't mean MMO's
[15:00] Jeremy: oh ... shame
[15:00] Me: i know enough to keep up
[15:00] Me: my best friend plays it
[15:00] Me: a lot
[15:00] Me: so i kind of have to keep up with it
[15:01] Jeremy: i used to play it a lot... actually still do... but i play on a private server... so i dont gotta pay
[15:01] Me: wow nice
[15:01] Me: did you get WOTLK?
[15:01] Jeremy: not yet... i was going to on the day it was released... but i was shy like 20 bucks. Damn jack in the crack!
[15:01] Jeremy: and beer
[15:01] Me: hmm
[15:02] Me: well,
[15:02] Me: both are satisfying
[15:02] Jeremy: yep lol
[15:02] Me: so it wasn't a complete loss
[15:02] Me: :D
[15:02] Jeremy: haha
[15:02] Jeremy: beer is never a loss... good times, awesome games, and... easier to flirt
[15:03] Me: they don't call it liquid courage for nothin
[15:03] Jeremy: amen!
[15:03] Me: i have a hard time believing you have trouble flirting
[15:03] Jeremy: im really really shy
[15:04] Jeremy: really the only person iv been flirting with is Nick, but he is straight.
[15:05] Me: haha, and he probably wouldn't have picked up on it
[15:05] Me: he's a sweetheart but he's kind of dence
[15:05] Me: *dense
[15:06] Jeremy: well i told him, i told him that was was crushing on him, and i actually told him that i wanted ot make out with him... but he said he was fine with me flirting, he gives me hugs and teases me... so i get some fun out of it
[15:06] Me: haha, is nick the first boy you've liked?
[15:07] Jeremy: no... i liked someone back home... but he stopped wanting ot be my friend because I wanted to be more than friends with him. But eventually he became friends again... again another straight guy
[15:07] Me: i think we all have that problem when we first come out
[15:07] Jeremy: lol
[15:08] Me: talk to any gay guy and they've all been in love with at least one straight guy
[15:08] Jeremy: lol
[15:09] Jeremy: i never dated any guys, iv dated girls... but that just wasn't my thing
[15:09] Me: you haven't dated but have you... how do i put this delicately,
[15:09] Me: been with guys?
[15:10] Jeremy: you mean sexually?
[15:10] Me: well, intimately
[15:10] Me: like
[15:10] Me: kissing?
[15:10] Me: more than?
[15:10] Jeremy: nope
[15:11] Jeremy: im a virgin, iv only been out of the closet for a month now... havent really made time to meet up with anybody
[15:12] Jeremy: so, nah... actually iv never met another gay guy
[15:12] Me: oh shit, and here i am, an effing walking gay pride parade making eyes at you. I promise i'm not normally like that, it was just a special occasion
[15:13] Jeremy: haha
[15:14] Jeremy: no probs, i figured... college is all part of trying new things... since iv been here, i stepped way out of my way, for drinking, smoking hookah, i tried cigs... but they were gross... and i figured... why not try meeting another gay guy.
[15:15] Jeremy: personally... id like to make out, give it a shot... but again, im really shy, and wouldn't make the move lol
[15:15] Me: wait, in general or specifically me? Cause i could totally find you a hook up if you're looking for one
[15:16] Jeremy: well, depends really... its gotta be a hot guy... i have standards
[15:19] Jeremy: i mean... I wouldn't mind making out with you lol. But again, I would much rather get to know somebody first. I'm more of a friend person... just chillin and having a good time with people. Making out with somone isnt somehting im desiring
[15:20] Me: you just talked yourself into a circle, but i'll take that as a "I enjoy talking to you" and just run with it
[15:20] Me: lol
[15:20] Jeremy: lol i tend to do that
[15:21] Me: i was completely embarassed because you kept making eye contact with me so i'd have to go back to my friend
[15:21] Me: like it wasn't COMPLETELY obvious
[15:21] Jeremy: lol
[15:21] Jeremy: well, i was trying to read the pin ... but again you were kinda cute
[15:22] Me: only kind of?
[15:22] Me: haha
[15:23] Me: it says "Don't say it"
[15:23] Jeremy: lol
[15:23] Me: i got it at the gay conference last year
[15:24] Me: i wear it to raise awareness about homophobia
[15:24] Me: especially recently
[15:24] Me: we've had three gay bashings in two and a half months
[15:24] Me: which is a record high
[15:24] Jeremy: dang
[15:25] Jeremy: I personally am planning on talking to my church back at home about homophobia... and how its wrong to shun or condemn someone because they are homosexual
[15:25] Me: a lot of people abandon their faith because of it
[15:25] Jeremy: My pastor agrees with me, and says its a good idea
[15:25] Me: i almost did when i was younger
[15:25] Me: it's hard to reconcile your faith and your feelings
[15:25] Me: and feel like god hates you
[15:25] Me: that's the worst feeling
[15:25] Me: when they finally convince you that god will hate you
[15:26] Jeremy: yeah... well God loves you no matter what. He forgives any sin, no matter what it is. And im pretty confortable being a gay Christian. To me all that matters in the long run is my relationship with God
[15:26] Me: i concur
[15:27] Me: i came to that realization after about 5 years with my church
[15:27] Me: i couldn't understand how if god made everything perfect and in his image
[15:27] Me: that he couldn't love us
[15:27] Me: when we were just trying to be happy
[15:27] Jeremy: and its very hypocritical of chrsitians, to claim you can't be a gay christian... yet they accept adultry, murder, stealing... any sin is equivalent to any other sin... and one sin is the same as 100 sins... and all can be forgivin, by asking for it.
[15:30] Jeremy: Nick told me that the lifestyle is not something chosen, its something that possibly can't be changed either... but its a road that you just gotta stay strong on. He also said he won't judge me, and will support me no matter what... so, as long as i got friends that support me, and faith... ill be quite content
[15:30] Jeremy: but this is my personal struggle... because im both homosexual and christian
[15:30] Me: well, and nick has had his own struggles
[15:30] Me: when derrick first came out
[15:31] Me: he had issues with it
[15:31] Me: and he had to grow and change too
[15:31] Jeremy: yeah, i know... and that may be why nick is really supportive now
[15:31] Me: which,
[15:31] Me: in my eyes
[15:31] Me: could be a blessing of god for you
[15:31] Me: because you might not've had nick for support
[15:31] Me: if he didn't have to grow because of derrick
[15:32] Jeremy: makes sense
[15:33] Me: :D
[15:33] Me: that's what i'm about
[15:33] Jeremy: lol
[15:33] Me: what are you up to this evenig?
[15:33] Me: or
[15:33] Me: evening,
[15:33] Me: if my fingers weren't retarded
[15:34] Jeremy: lol
[15:34] Jeremy: well, this might just be another chill evening... If nick comes over... we may drink a little bit... one of my roommates is having girl issues... so we may just chill watch some movies, have a guys night to talk... and have a hookah session lol
[15:35] Me: awesome
[15:35] Jeremy: how bout you?
[15:35] Me: not sure yet
[15:35] Me: i promised a friend i'd photoshop a picture
[15:35] Me: which takes like an hour
[15:35] Me: i usually watch heroes tonight
[15:35] Me: with a group of friends
[15:35] Me: but i don't know how social i'm feeling tonight
[15:36] Jeremy: i c
[15:37] Me: so
[15:37] Me: smash brothers
[15:37] Me: when can i own you?
[15:37] Me: