"I think that you three...would make wonderful boyfriends."

Dec 16, 2010 07:22

The single gift I got for my birthday (which was otherwise uneventful) was Persona 4. Been sitting my ass in front of my TV playing it from sun up to sun down (no really, today I started at about 10AM, stopped for the day/night at a little past 2AM).

I FUCKING love this game! So amazing <3. Kanji is of course my fave (though I do like Yosuke as well. And Chie. She seems pretty cool).

I'm having a ball making the protagonist as gay with Yosuke as I possibly can get (which is pretty damn awesome considering I got him to comment on how talented I am with my hands, and then have him act as if he realized the ambiguity of such a comment).

Also shipping Kanji with what I assume is his canon love interest (who I will fangirl over in a bit).

Like I said, I fucking LOVE this game! The voice acting is pretty awesome, the music, despite being mostly vocalized, is pretty damn badass. The characters are interesting (except Yukiko. I just can't seem to like her...) and the battle system is pretty engaging and intriguing. I also like the socializing aspect (which is surprising for me because I am not a social animal by nature).


I love him. I love him so much, idek. I don't even know his name yet (I only just went out to save Rise), but he is just awesome and cute and makes me want to see him and Kanji cuddle like burning.

The game may call him "Slender Young Man" (or "boy in a cap"), but until I actually learn his real name, I am going to refer to him as "Small-And-Cute-Guy".

I also love his voice <3. His voice is so amazing that when I first heard it, I did not immediately think it was a guy. And I still didn't think this until I actually looked at the name the game gives him, XD. And then it was just lols and fangirling.

Why do I care so much about his voice? Because I believe whoever his VA is (I don't want to look right now because his real name seems to be important to the plot) will be a perfect match for Sam's voice (in the fateful event the wish of my novel to be adapted into an anime of some kind ever comes true). Which would mean JYB is no longer the candidate (he was only the candidate because of Emil's voice, this voice though sounds more fitting in my head).

Plus there's just something cute about his voice. And his physical smallness reminds me of Sam too. Perhaps that part of why I love him so much right now <3.

Listen to CUTENESS!

I really hope he ends up joining the party. Or at the very least gets to speak more. BECAUSE I NEED MORE OF HIS GIRLY-MAN VOICE! NNNN!!!

Speaking of voices, Troy Baker sounds like he had tons of fun voicing Kanji and his Shadow (not that I didn't already know that). Both voices are just awesome, and no matter how many times I hear Shadow Kanji's voice, it makes me giggle, XD.

Back on the subject of the music, it really is quite badass despite being vocal in parts or all of it. In particular, the boss fight theme is epic.

But the song that plays at the entrance of the TV World sounds quite a lot like a slightly altered version of One-Winged Angel. At least to me it does. I mean...maybe it's just my imagination...am I wrong?

I...I think that's all my fangirling for one day, XD. I need to get my ass in bed. Haven't been to sleep since 9:30AM. Will possibly fangirl more if more awesome shit happens!

Oh and for those wondering, the title of this entry is a quote from Shadow Kanji I just found extremely entertaining when it happens here.

games: persona 4, novels: demon story, #omg, life, misc: opinion, misc: random, novels, interests: video games, interests: music, misc: funny

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