Someone tell me why Charles' killed Woodley? I know he was set up in the last arc, but I don't know why he'd kill him and what Woodley was talking about before a sword met his head, lol.
And it figures that everything is the Queen's fault. IT'S ALWAYS THE QUEEN'S FAULT!
This new plotline regarding reviving the dead sounds intriguing though. I wonder if we'll see Ciel having a bit of a moral crisis. This would be like the perfect opportunity to resurrect his parents, XD.
But as much as I may hate Lizzie, I'd like to know why Ciel would knowingly take her on a trip on a boat where a (presumably) large group of people who, you know, dissect humans and use them in experiments is going to be having a meeting. I know he's not the biggest fan of her, but he does care a little (even if it's not romantic), so I would think he'd be against taking her somewhere potentially dangerous.
I still don't care about you, Ronald.
During the brief bout of cleaning my room I did the other day, I somewhat went through one of the shelves on one bookcase that has nothing but binders, folders and notebooks full of old school shit I never got around to disposing. One of the things on the shelf was a composition notebook I'd used waaaaaaaay back in 1999, in 1st grade. The notebook was for stuff we did about Reading/Writing (there was another one we had for Math, but idgaf about it, lol) and I guess we had some kind of activity where we were supposed to practice using different words to describe one thing (homonym practice, essentially). The list I found was for words pertaining to something's size, and among the list of words you expect a 1st grader to know there was "diminutive". Correctly spelled, and in the same handwriting I had at the time.
I felt so fucking proud of myself, XD.