Oct 20, 2010 03:04
*loves it when stuff gets scanned super fast*
Aaah, why isn't the page with Oz translated?!?!?! NNNNN
LOL, Ada, why so cute? "I'll protect you, while staying out of your sight!" What? You want to be Vincent's ninja now? XD.
Aw, poor Echo. Vincent doesn't like his true motives being revealed, XD.
Wow, Vincent manages to be simultaneously adorable and the creepy fuck he's always been on page 12... Yes, Vince, torturing someone is always the appropriate answer when you ask yourself so many questions about your love life.
Aah, Isla, as always, you are the creepiest creeper to ever creep.
Yes, Oz! Go! Go and knock some sense into the creeper!
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ok. Leo isn't HH. He's just going to be used as a sacrifice. BUT HE ISN'T HH! So now Elliot should REALLY get his ass there and save him.
And then there's Kuro.
XDD. Yes, Sebastian, a box with chains on it is totally a "luxury suite".
*continues to giggle at page 11*
Snake has a snake named Webster? XDD
Sebastian's face on 19 seems to say "Yeah, that's BS and you know it."
Page 24 has so much....gay. XD. Sebastian is still not amused by all those flowers surrounding Ciel and Snake, XDD.
New arc now plzkthx Yana.
fandom: pandora hearts,
misc: summary,
interests: manga,
fandom: kuroshitsuji