You know, sometimes I wonder if there is a special inverse place within my mind that acts as a sort of warped storage space for my dreams. Because I swear sometimes I go to this weird place in my sleep and all hell breaks loose. Like literally. I'm talking Wonderland weird here.
Like, elevators that only go to the floor you're on and one above or below it, giant T-Rex toys that want to kill you on a scheduled basis, elevators that open up weirdly (like instead of a floor you're in front of a glass wall), scenary that's interconnected that changes drastically between the backstage of a theatre, an abandoned toyshop, and a beach-styled clothing store. And other weird and freaky shit, like characters from movies being there (when I was in front of a glass wall, the otherside had the tea party from the new AiW movie and March Hare threw a dagger at the glass to shatter it. Mad Hatter was apparently passed out on the floor with splattered and smeared cake everywhere). By the end of the dream I swear Toy Story characters were then in it.
And there was music playing at some point in the background but I couldn't tell you what music cuz I don't remember. But THE POINT, is that it was immensely creepy and I kept going in and out of it when my mind was trying to wake up. At some point I began to wonder if it was my thought process with images. I don't even know, my own mind confuses the hell out of me.
But on the subject of creepy, so I've been playing Fable 2 for the past week or so and taking my sweet time with it. Recently I just got to Bloodstone, but trying to get there was the scariest experience I've ever had in the game. There is a reason why I'm not that fond of games where enemies can just randomly come up to you, surround you and subsequently kill you seemingly out of nowhere. That sorta thing scares the crap out of me, yet I still play such games =/.
So anyway, for those who haven't played it, the area I traveled through to get to Bloodstone is called Wraithmarsh. Scariest. Fucking. Place. Ever.
At first, Balverines scared the crap out of me until I got used to fighting them. But then there's Wraithmarsh. Which has
this. Playing through that at 2AM, not the smartest idea ever. *shudder*
I didn't even kill the Rock Golem at the end. Golems are bitches to kill in this game, seriously. Like, they refuse to die and lose health super slowly. And now I apparently have to go back through their to get to someplace I recall passing by X___X. Hate that place. Hate it so much.
And I was dumb and decided not to do the "Defending The Light" quest before I completed The Spire, and now I feel horrible because I basically killed Oakfield's economy by not doing it. >____