Jun 11, 2010 06:45
*really wishes she had the space for a more appropriate exhausted icon*
So, today was the actual Graduation and the Senior All Night Party.
Graduation was an interesting 3 hour experience. Nerve wracking when my row was getting closer to being sent up, but all in all, it was great.
My brother and his girlfriend flew in the day before, so they along with my parents were there. Afterwords we all went to the Big Boy in Brighton to eat (because I hadn't eaten anything since I woke up at 1:00PM, I had to report in by 5:45 and the ceremony started at 7) then scurried home so I could get what I needed to go to the S.A.N.P.
The S.A.N.P itself was a blast. The first and last high school party I will ever go to. I mostly stuck to the table top tennis tables that were set up, but I also played some of the carnival games, drank hot and cold coffee (and water after that) and ate two pieces of chocolate.
I got to hang out with some of my friends for the last time before their grad parties. Around 4AM we were all rounded up and sent to the auditorium where we got to watch the senior video that was made from pictures and video of all the graduates previous years and stuff that happened during senior year.
Watching the video made me a little sad. Only because I started to think during it about how fast it all came and went. I was actually kind of wishing I could go back and relive more time with my friends. My belief in reincarnation also came up in my thoughts in the form of "I can live as many lives as I feel like living, but THIS particular life can only be lived this once." which blew my mind, lol.
Considering the shit I've put up with since Kindergarten, I'm amazed to have even thought that. A few years ago I would've been wishing the opposite.
But I will miss my friends....I hope to stay in touch with at least a few of them. Chris and I will of course stay in touch (because if he doesn't call me at least sometimes, I will wring his neck through the phone =D), but I hope some of my other friends will keep in touch too. If not, I guess there's 10-year-reunion.
At the end of the night before we left we all got goodie bags full of interesting things. My favorite, though, was the blanket <3. It's big, gray and so fucking soft and warm <3<3<3.
*yawn*Yeah....I've been up since 1PM.....I should go to sleep now. GOOD NIGHT!
life: school,
life: friends