Reggio, A Crusader Kings AAR - Chapter 9: Carthage

Sep 03, 2007 19:48

LJ Cut for Length and Pictures.

We mustered 11,000 men, primarily from Palermo, but any man who wished to join our war against Zirid was free to do so. Even Muslims from the territory once belonging to Beni Helal joined. True it was only a few hundred, but they came. I did not, however, call upon any forces from my vassals. This was my war, and I would not burden them financially with it.

The fighting raged from November of 1087 until October 8th, 1088 when the fortress at Bejaija fell and the once mighty Zirids were reduced to the history books. My Duchy now sprawled of the borders of Bone to Leptis Magna. It was far more than my ambitions had ever dreamed possible. It was also impossible for me to rule.

While the war was being fought, a war raged at home. The Greeks in Siracusa revolted, and it spread across my lands - worse, the revolt threatened to topple the seat of my power, rich Palermo. The desire to hang every last traitor was strong, but I knew such acts were foolish. I swallowed my pride. I made concessions. It was not easy, and it did not endear me with my nobles, but it had to be done. A wise lord knows when to cut his losses.

After the fighting, a Muslim noble brought his family to my court. They were refugees from the Crusades in the Levant. I gave him shelter. My hope was to convert his children to Catholicism and save their souls. I made the noble my new Marshall. His name was Yasar Mustafa.

On May 28th, 1089 Bohemia and I formed an alliance. I did not want to be brought into any European wars, yet I hoped that allying with such a noble power would help protect my lands from the Empire or France, should they ever cast an eye to the south.

June 10th was a black day that year. The Papal Inquisitor visited and discovered Yasar's family in my court. I was forced to submit Yasar to the Inquisitor. I'm told that he converted to Catholicism. I stayed by his bed the afternoon after the inquisitor finished with him. He would not have me apologize and bade me look after his family for him. I swore I would. I would not let the Inquisitor do this to his wife and rob his children of their family, even if I were excommunicated for it. William Psellos was made Marshall of Armies again.

February 18th, 1090 saw the death of the Pope. Arsenio Capponi of Franconia was the new Pope. I immediately dispatched letters to him, detailing my situation. At the time, I didn't realize what profound influence those early letters would be upon him.

Just as the revolts were coming to an end, Duke Apulia, my nephew, declared war upon me. Marshall William and I had already discussed plans for just such an event. Our priority was to secure Trapani and Mahdia, though the latter required us to... manufacture a claim. While neither province was rich, Trapani was the only piece of Sicily not mine and Mahdia would bring me closer to being able to declare myself a King - King of Tunisia.

Every regiment and every vassal was mobilized. Trapani fell first on January 6th. The Count of Mahdia surrendered on February 1st, somehow making himself my vassal without anyone realizing it until the peace agreements had already been signed - I see now why he was excommunicated by the Pope.

Scipio's army reached the gates of Lecce on February 27th, and Duke Apulia immediately offered peace. Not wanting to slay any of my kin, I readily agreed to a white peace. My immediate objectives had been met. The war was over.

And then I heard news from the north, and I understood why this war had happened. The Empire was pressing further south into Italy. Already the Pope had lost Orvieto to the Empire, and Rome had been occupied by the forces of the Duchy of Milan. I was sickened. I rushed to Rome, and into the grand cathedral that his holiness had occupied.

I counseled him. And he agreed with me. Heinrich von Franken, King of Germany, Italy, and Burgandy, the Holy Roman Emperor was now excommunicated from the church. Hugues d'Este, Duke of Milano, was now excommunicated from the church. Mathilda of Canossa, Duchess of Toscana, was now excommunicated from the church. The Pope had turned his most powerful weapon against everyone who would threaten him. I later learned that in gratitude for my words, he excommunicated the Duke of Apulia.

While all of this chaos was occurring, my Marshall advised me that this would likely be the last chance I would have to take Constantine from its Sheik, Ismat Mustafa. The Hammadids were mustering forces for their wars, and for them to take Constantine would be only a matter of weeks. I agreed, and we mustered the Palermo regiment and set forth on one last battle.

The war started in February, and it ended on June 5th, 1092 when my regiment stormed the Sheik's castle. And that brings us to the present. I am grievously wounded from the battle, and I fear that God is finally calling to me; I will live out my part. I am the third murdered brother.

I'm too old for another war. But my son will be King. And he will avenge the fall of Rome at the hands of the Empire and set things to rights.

crusader kings, after action report, writings

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