Godzilla Post

Apr 13, 2006 16:57

Just for fun, I've been compiling a list of Kaiju (Giant Monsters! Aaaaghhhh!) and pictures of them. I've got Toho done so far (not counting monsters from their TV shows). I'll probably tackle the (smaller) Gamera stable next - after I do the rest of the short writeups for the Toho creatures.

edit: 3:47 AM April 16, 2006. Finished.

Toho Monsters


The King of Monsters. The original Kaiju from Japan. Massive, blue, and powerful. Armed with radioactive death breath. Virtually unbeatable. Evolved from a relic dinosaur nicknamed Godzillasaurus after it was exposed to radiation.


Anguirus appears to be a giant Anklyosaur, or at least some variation thereof, with green-brown coloring. The spikes on his back, combined with his amazing jumping ability are his primary weapons. Anguirus can also burrow under the ground as needed to launch a suprise attack. The first other giant monster Godzilla battled.


Rodan first appeared in his own movie as a pair of Rodans and a clutch eggs. Presumeably one of the eggs survived the volcanic death of the parents and lived on. Rodan's powers are pretty simple: Rodan can fly at supersonic speeds, Rodan's wings and lungs can create gale-force winds.


Moguera first appears in The Mysterians, where he was a weapon of destruction in the hands of alien invaders. The Japanese military was unable to stop him until they collapsed a bridge out from him - the fall destroying the warmachine. The Japanese Self-Defense Force would create a Moguera robot later to do battle with Godzilla - it fell in combat against Space Godzilla. Also, one of the enemies in the first Godzilla videogame.


Varan had his own movie before his short cameo in Destroy All Monsters. One of the monsters controlled by the aliens from Planet X in the first Godzilla videogame. Has limited flight abilities with membranes between his legs, like a flying squirrel.


Orochi, the eight-headed demon-dragon antagonist. From The Three Treasures and Yamato Takeru.

Mothra Larva

Larval form of Mothra. Uses a silk-spray attack to immobilize foes.


Another monster that started out with its own movie, Mothra is often depicted as the defender of Earth, pitting it against Godzilla more often than not. Mothra sometimes has a beam weapon, and other times has a pollen attack. Later got its own series of movies.


The Antarctic Monster. A giant walrus frozen for eons that is awakened when his icy prison is melted by the giant rocket engines built by humans to avoid the collision with the star Gorath.

Giant Octopus

Not much is known about the Giant Octopus (also known as Devilfish). Driven off by King Kong. Battled Frankenstein in an unused film-clip. One was killed by a Gargantua in War of the Gargantuas.

King Kong

King of the Apes! Has starred in several features titled simply King Kong. Battled Godzilla, proving that brain can win over pure brawn. Battled Mechani-Kong.


First seen in Atragon, Manda is an underwater monster. It appears to look like a Chinese dragon. Powerful constriction once it coils around an enemy.


A space entity that feeds on minerals. If a portion of its ethereal body is seperated, it will regrow into a full-sized Dogora. Easily killed due to an allergy - bee venom.

King Ghidorah

King Ghidorah is a traditional opponent of Godzilla. The two have clashed numerous times over the years. As a Space Monster, Ghidorah wants to destroy the earth. Each of Ghidorah's heads is capable of unleashing vicious lightning attacks. He often uses that to stand-off with Godzilla in preparation for flying in and grabbing his foe, then dropping him from some height.


At the end of World War II, the still-beating heart of the Frankenstein monster was transported to Japan - just in time to be irradiated by the explosion of an atom bomb. Years later a boy was discovered which had the traits of the Frankenstein monster. It grew to giant size and battled Baragon - eventually the duo was swallowed by the earth.


A relic dinosaur that survived by living underground. Incredible leaper like Anguirus. Burrows. Has an energy beam it can fire from its mouth.


One of the two Gargantuas born from the cells of the felled Frankenstein creature. Gaira is the evil one that eats people.


One of the two Gargantuas born from the cells of the felled Frankenstein creature. Sanda is the good one that defends humanity.


A giant shrimp. Ebirah was born from radioactivity from a nuclear reactor near its home island. It attacks all ships that enter its domain.

Giant Condor

An unnamed Giant Condor, attacked and was felled by Godzilla. Born from the same radiation that made Ebirah.


A giant mantis that was born on Monster Island. Can fly.


A giant spider born on Mosnter Island. Shoots webbing to trap its foes. Can jump an extreme distance.


Aka the Son of Godzilla. Annoying little twit that I wish could be retconned. I'm not wasting more words on this worthless entry.


Made by a mad scientist to harvest minerals. Went haywire. Later sent to battle King Kong, and lost.


A Tyrranosaur-id monster. First seen on Mondo island where he was defeated by King Kong. Later joined in the assault on the Kilaak aliens and King Ghidorah. Powerful kick and burrowing ability.

Giant Sea Snake

Seen on Mondo Island. Defeated by King Kong.


A giant bully monster. Electric shock attack. Hopefully just a figment of a demented child's imagination.


Infected by an alien parasite, a squid grows to colossal size and becomes Gezora. Its melee attacks freeze whatever it touches. Can also spray ink. Defeated by being burned alive.


Two Ganimes are known to have existed. Large crab monster. Mutated by an alien parasite. One died to explosives. The other to falling in a Volcano while battling Kamoebas.


A giant turtle monster. Mutated by the same parasite that made Ganimes and Gezora. Believed dead in a volcano. One later washes up on the beach in Japan - a victim of Godzilla's rampage.


Called the Pollution Monster, Hedorah is made of coalesced pollutants. Has multiple forms, including a humanoid one and a flying one. Attacks with sulfuric acid sprays, energy beams from its eyes, high jumper, immune to radiation - including Godzilla's. Died from dehydration. One wonders if it can be reconstituted?


A space monster, also cybernetic in origin. Can fly and travel through space. Eyebeams, hook hands, and the chest-saw round out its armory.

Jet Jaguar

A robot that figured out how to rebuild itself to giant size to battle the evil of Gigan. Lame.


An insect monster. Hands can form a drill, shoots lightning, firebombs, can fly and dig underground. Defeated by Godzilla dn Jet Jaguar.


Sometimes called the Cosmic Monster. Its arrival was foretold in prophecy. King Caesar and Godzilla double-teamed him the first time he appeared. After being reconstructed, Mechagodzilla worked with Titanosaurus to defeat Godzilla but lost again. Years later he would be rebuilt by humans to combat Godzilla once more - called Kiryu at that point.

King Caesar

Super strong and divine, the beastial King Caesar was summoned to battle Mechagodzilla. He proved invaluable to the fight as he can reflect energy attacks back at his opponent.


A dinosaur discovered by a mad scientist that learned how to control it. Can create windstorms with its tail. Excellent swimmer. Defeated by Godzilla.


Made by a combination of plant matter and Godzilla cells, Biollante is a nightmare. It can spray radioactive material like Godzilla, numerous vines, regenerates quickly, and can spear an opponent with some tendrils. Defeated Godzilla and dispersed into a cloud of spores.


The Earth's dark avenger. Flight, electric touch, wind storms, and an energy beam. Died defeating Godzilla.

Space Godzilla

Some of Godzilla's cells were carried by Mothra into space and combined with a crystalline lifeform to produce Space Godzilla. Nearly defeated Godzilla. Only the intervention of Moguera allowed the King of Monsters to defeat its twin. Can transform and fly, also can absorb energy from an array of sources.


Capable of numerous attacks, Destroyah is an amalgam of smaller creatures. It can reconfigure itself for flight and ultimately gains numerous abilities, from its Micro-Oxygen spray and Laser Horn to splitting itself back up, which allow it to virtually dominate Godzilla for quite some time.


An alien spacecraft found at the bottom of the ocean, it re-energizes itself with sunlight and proceeds to try and evolve into ever more powerful forms. After absorbing some of Godzilla's DNA the spacecraft creates Orga, which can fire an energy beam and regenerates damage quickly.


Reminiscent of Destroyah, Megaguirus is a powerful and ancient lifeform. In its most evolved state it can fly, absorb and direct energy, generate gale force winds, and is deadly in melee.


The first Zilla was seen in New York city where it eventually was defeated by the US Military. Sometimes referred to as Godzilla. Incredibly strong and fast, Zilla lacks the sort of exotic powers many other monsters have. It may or not exhale a flammable gas.

Monster X

A space monster capable of transforming into King Ghidorah. Like Ghidorah it can fire gravity beams and levitate.


Bagan once fought Godzilla. A group of alien invaders claimed they had injected him with Godzilla and Ghidorah cells. Bagan can fly and fire an energy beam.


Almost nothing is known of this monster except for an apparent ability to fly, and looking cool.

Pictures from Toho Kingdom and Tokyo Monsters.

movies, kaiju

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