and then i said "cunnilingus rocks my world..."

Apr 06, 2004 08:35

Current mood: alone....oh so alone
Current music: guitar class
Current taste: grody saliva
Current hair: wavy and unkept
Current clothes: dark gray fuzzy sweater,faded gray shirt,jeans and purple converse
Current annoyance: being alone and being at school
Current smell: permanent marker
Current thing: my glass heart
Current desktop picture: school computers...eww. stupid fvckin godby logo
Current favorite band: Blindside and Funeral for a Friend
Current cd's in stereo: "Portrait of the Goddess"-Bleeding Through, "Sevas Tra"-Otep, "Seven Ways to Scream Your Name"-Funeral for a Friend
Current book: Hiroshima(for class)and All Quiet on the Western Front(for class)
Current crush: i'm not quite sure.
Current hate: godby and mrs.bruce, my algebra 2 teacher

Do I
Smoke?: herb: yes. cigs: no.
Do drugs?: yes.
Have sex?: sadly,none as of lately.
Give oral sex?: yes. you gotta give to recieve,don't you?
Receive oral sex?: fvck yeah,especially if it's from mike. ::winks::
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: not really
Remember your first love?: yes,vividly. i have a scar to remind me of that every fvckin day.
Still love him/her?: to a point
Read the newspaper?: sometimes
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: yes. i'm bisexual myself.
Believe in miracles?: depends
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yes, if you're with the right person
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: yes. i believe i can get along with 95% of society. but there are some fvckers that just really make my blood boil sometimes.
Consider love a mistake?: you can only make a mistake to fall in love with someone not to mistake love itself
Like the taste of alcohol?: only if it tastes good. yumm. banana-vanilla rum and sour apple schnapps!
Have a favorite candy?: yes,gummibears,jellybeans and almond joys
Believe in astrology?: yes.
Believe in magic? yes.
Believe in God?: i don't believe in religion period. i think it's far too controlling. live your own fvckin life is what i say. if i had a religion,it would be self-expression or music.
Have any pets: 1 dog and 2 kitties whom i simply adore
Go to or plan to go to college: yes. definitely.
Have any piercings: not yet. but i can't fvckin wait till i can get them. my labret and my eyebrow double peirced and probably one side of my lip peirced (like brody dalle) and considering my nipples.i'm just afriad of the pain for that one. youch!
Have any tattoos?: ditto to above. i already know all the ones i want.
Have an obsession?: well,i'm OCD for one thing but i'm obsessed with far too many things to list's crazy how obsessive over certain things i am. weird.
Have a secret crush?: if i tell you then it wont be a secret
Do they know yet?: how do you know i have one?
Have a best friend?: yes.many though i still feel alone when i cry.
Wish on stars?: too often and none of them come falling down to me
Care about looks?: for me to be with someone,i have to be attracted to them in a perfect balance of physical and emotional/mental attraction
First crush:TJ in 3rd grade
First kiss: summer of 6th grade. it was horrible.the kid had been eating this lillipop and he had a shitload of saliva in his mouth and it was disgusting,seriously.
Single or attached?: single. :(
Ever been in love?: yes. that's why my heart is broken glass
Do you believe in love at first sight?: yes

=Juicy stuff=
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: not yet :(
Favorite place to be kissed?: my neck,wrists,collarbone,ear and hipbone
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": no. :)
Are you a tease?: i guess everyone can be a tease at times but i usually mean the things i do and say about sex in a serious fashion. i wouldn't say "i'd fvck you" unless i meant it.
Shy to make the first move?: no. i'm a complete sexbeast. rwar!

Rubber: ducky
Green: is always in the form of something good
Wet: only for you baby. ::winks::
Cry: -ing is beautiful
Peanuts: are scary
Hey: foxxx. rwar.
Cold: touch
Steamy: S-E-X
Fast: lover
Freaky: deaky
Rain: makes me happy and is the best thing to be kissing or making love in.
Bite: my neck but only if you want some bloodloss...into my mouth.
Fuck: that bitch
Blow: on my neck

Hair: naturally:golden brown currently:faded burgandy
Eyes: soft brown
Height: 5'4" or 5'5"

Bought: pizza from school. such a rip-off
Ate & Drank: an aquadrop from willam and water
Read: an email and note on my FOD

club or houseparty: houseparty
beer or cider: apple juice
drinks or shots: both.
cats or dogs: cats.
single or taken: single. :( but i wish i was taken.
pen or pencil: depends really
gloves or mittens: fuzzy mittens when i'm cold.
food or candy: fgummibears adn keylime pie
cassette or cd: CD,definitely.

Dated one of your best friends? yes
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? yes and i realized it too late
Drank alcohol? yes,only if it tastes good
Done drugs? can you say s-t-o-n-e-r?
Broken the law? yeah.
Played Truth Or Dare? who hasn't?
Been in a fight? no.i prefer mind over body in war
Been close to dying? yeah.i think everyone comes close to dying at least once in their lives

The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: "Silverside Up"-Nickelback
Your bedroom like: it's me,in room-form
Your favorite thing for breakfast: hasbrowns,potato and egg taquito with cheese and pancakes from whataburger.don't's good stuff man.

What's on your bedside table?: an alarm clock and books
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? anything and everything i find appealing at the time
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: Tuck Everlasting,Big Fish and Shakespeare in Love
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: i wouldn't have any.
What feature are you most insecure about?: my stomach and my pussy
Do you ever have to beg?: not really.i' pretty good at manipulating my parents to let me do stuff.
Are you a pyromaniac?: fire is beautiful.
Do you have too many love interests?: probably
Crushes? sure
Describe your bed: it's comfortable but cold and empty each night as i find myself alone to rest there
Spontaneous or plain?: spontaneous
Do you know how to play poker?: not really. i like blackjack though.
What do you carry with you at all times?: my heart made of broken glass,my scar and my Burts Beeswax Lip Balm
How do you drive? like i'm a mad woman. lmao
What do you miss most about being little?: how easy it was to buy happiness from a toy store and not a dealer
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? god,i don't know.that's a good question.i'm a huge internet junkie.
What was the last song you were listening to?: "Talk Show on Mute"-Incubus
Do you talk a lot?: yeah.i think so. i dispise uncomfortable silences and that is probably why.
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: i don't really like myself but i don't really hate myself completely.i get really frustrated with myself at times and that's bad.i don't know if i believe in myself or not.::scratches chin and wonders::
Do you think you're cute?: when i'm snuggled up in my bed sheets,yes.
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? only if they want money for booze.then i'm like "hell no! not unless you give me your pipe." and then they usually walk away and think i'm homeless or crazy or both. great fun!
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