So I'm off! I'm going to Oklahoma in like an hour~!
I'll be back around Sunday night!
And right after that I will be RPing on Disco and being my annoying self. I really hope no one kills me.
Meme TIME~! :D
Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.
Words given to me by
mongoliabun Ulquiorra
Ulquiorra Cipher Schiffer. Dear FUDGING GOD I LOVE THAT MAN! If he were real I would have raped him ten times over just yesterday. -drool- I really don't like that his name is "Cipher" Well... at least that's the name he was given here in engrish. >.>;; It's supposed to be Schiffer which means boat in German. Le sigh. That man though...I mean, sure he's evil and could kill me without blinking, but dear god I love him. AHDHFOIADHFIOADJIOFAU Yum. He's from Bleach for those of you that don't know. I will eventually be cosplaying him...which is going to be difficult 'cause he doesn't smile or joke around... he's so emotionless >.<; BUT I LOVE YOU EVEN IF YOU'VE DIED MY LOVE! Woops! Spoilers xDD
Heart no Kuni no Alice
A game of amazingly sexy bishounen~! Yum. I wish they would bring it over here to AMERICA. BUT NOOOO slkfjdsoi. I would like to thank Danielle for introducing this sexy thing to me. If I could play it, I'd play over and over and over until I could get Alice to end up with everyone. (Yes even Vivaldi, but I like to have things complete) My favorite character is Julius Monrey. Mmmmmmmmmm........I love everyone, he just happens to be my favorite, and then we he puts his glasses in O0O God....jfklajdsoifja SDFjosadffpdaosjifoiaj Take deeeeep breaths! -deep breath-
Yum Pie. I really don't know what got me into saying pie all the time, I just randomly started doing that. Hm. PIE!
I'm gonna miss it. I WOULD'VE BEEN CAPTIAN! T__T It was fun while it lasted though. All the tosses and stuff. Yum...flags. I'm really bummed that I didn't get to learn rifle that well though. >.> I would've been epic! But I have all those memories of everything, it really was one of the best things ever to befall upon me.
El Salvadorian Mafia
MSXIII THE most dangerous gang in the world. But not until recently. Once you join, your branded with the number "13" The "1" on your left arm and the "3" on your right. And, as in all gangs, once you enter, don't expect to leave alive. That could run away, but you better do it quickly and far away, they'll catch ya. I know some ex-memebers, and they're the sweetest people ever. Apparently they got into the mafia so they wouldn't kill their families. But seriously, if you come by them, don't make eye contact, don't even look in their general direction, they'll kill you without a second thought. BUT THEY'RE SO COOL~! xDD I have connections with some of them xD So I tend to use that as a threat xP