
Jan 03, 2020 12:47

Hey guys! So, while I was thinking on birthdays I found that I don't want to just put up a big sparkly post saying 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' But because I can't exactly wish everyone a happy birthday in person and because I can't afford to buy presents for everyone I decided "Hey! Why don't I write birthday cards instead!?"

They'll be craptastic and handmade cards, so don't expect anything absolutely fabulous. Sorry! But I'll definitely try to make it look pretty. I really want to do this!

So if you guys are interested and want to get a birthday card please just post a comment with the following:

•(Full) Name
•Address (whether it's school or home doesn't matter, it's whichever one you'll be at during your birthday give or take a day or two. Some might come earlier and some might come later. I don't know how postage works ^^;)

If you guys also want Christmas/Holiday cards I'm more than willing to do that too! Just put that you want a Holiday card in your comment. :3

Don't worry, all comments are screened!


Note: I will change the date of this post in four days so that it's at the beginning with my intro post!

birthdays, cards

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