Jan 04, 2009 00:29
Meh. Why not huh?
- Cosplay Survey -
- What is your cosplay alias?
Nana chan? Tohru? Dai chan? Something along those lines. :D
- How many years have you cosplayed?
2.5, although, I did really start cosplaying until a year ago so 1.5ish?
- How did you get into cosplaying?
Friends, A-Kon
- What was your first convention and how?
A-Kon 18
- How many cons have you been to?
Um. Two? I've been to A-Kon twice and A-Fest once, (I'm still fairly new to Anime cons xD I'm still a bebe) so like three times? Technically.
- How many cosplays have you done?
Tohru (Fruits Basket)
Orihime (Bleach)
Riku (DNAngel)
Tifa (FFVII Advent Children version)
Lou Fa (DGM)
Reiko (Ouran)
So uh, lets see, one, two.... six?
Your Cosplays
- What was your first cosplay and why did you choose it?
xD That's be Tohru. Because I was brand new to the anime craze and Furuba was the first manga I read, first anime I watched, knowing it was an anime XD. Plus she was my favorite character at the time.
- What is your favorite cosplay you've done so far?
Tifa Lockhart. Hands down. It turned out great, loved it. :D
- What is your least favorite you've cosplayed?
>.> Um. Don't really have one, but I guess it would be a tie between Orihime and Riku. They were both so much epic fail. Orihime's costume was ok-ish (I did the school version) but I didn't have a wig so I just spray painted xP. And then Riku was all last minute. The skirt is really the only good thing. -sigh- No wig for her either.
- What cosplay is the most uncomfortable?
Eh. Reiko? Probably just 'cause it's a dress.
- How do you research the cosplay before you make it?
Anime, mangas, other people cosplaying, what NOT to do based on what I see of other people and what to steal from others. I also look up the costumes online if they're being sold, just to see.
- Do you sew your cosplays yourself?
Nope. I get my grandma to xD
- If so, how did you learn to sew? If not, do you plan to learn?
I know how to mend things together, kind of. Learned the little that I know from Skills For Living class back in eigth grade. Some from my mommy and some from my grandma. But mostly improvise. I'd like to learn more though.
- Do you make your own props?
Nope xD I dont' have any props. Yet. I probably will one day though. -headdesk-
- If so, how did you learn to? If not, do you plan to learn?
Ya, learning would be awesome. xDD Looks like fun.
- Do you style your own wigs?
I have yet to use a wig xD Though, I'll probably need help with my first three. (Hunny, Patty, and Sora, although, they probably won't need much styling, if any.)
- What other skills do you use to create your cosplays?
Um? Dunno, probably really good at finding the right kind of material for the costume, since I'm pretty usless ^^;;
- What skill has been most useful for making your cosplay?
Um. I guess. Finding pictures of the cosplay in different places (front, back, side) so that my grandma can get a good idea on how to sew it.
- What is the hardest thing when making a cosplay?
Motivating myself to actually do it. xDD
- What was the biggest screw up you've had making a cosplay?
Spray hair color. EPIC FAIL (echo)
- How often do you injure yourself while making a cosplay?
Never. Unless you mean falling down and running into walls while running around. And I have pricked myself a couple of times.
- On average, how much will you spend on cosplay in one year?
Um. Dunno, I have yet to buy any wigs and most of the stuff my mom and I find are extremely cheap.
- Do you try to stay cheap or do you splurge on materials?
YES CHEAP PLZ. I dun like spending money......unless it's on manga and food -cough-
- What is your favorite convention?
Uhm. I can't really say. I've only been to A-Kon and A-Fest. I really enjoyed A-Kon 19 and then at A-Fest getting to be in a mini photoshoot was fun xDD
- What conventions have you gone to?
A-Kon 18 and 19 and A-Fest 2008
- How far have you traveled for a convention?
Downtown. Yay~!
- Do you usually stay in a hotel or stay at home when you can?
Hotel, easier that way.
- What was your worst convention experience?
Uhm. Can't really say.
Just because, I'm usually not around or too oblivious to see the drama.
Though, the beer in our room killed me. Killed me dead. But hey, no one meant to hurt anyone, so it's all good.
(Or am I just too positive?)
- Have you ever cosplayed with a partner or group?
I try to make sure I have a group of people. I don't like being alone. I kind of have a problem with that, dunno why though. It was a lot of fun with SEB. XDD But yeah. Usually in a group, but if I can't it'll be with a partner. :D
- Do you try to act in character?
Yes. But only when nessecary. Like during piccurs, photoshoots, mass meeting where everyone is IC. But other than that. Nahhhhh~! xDD
- How do you react to cosplayers dressed as character from the same anime/game/etc?
I fall in love with them. I'm not kidding. I really do. I don't usually meet people as my same character simply because I tend to choose backgroundish characters (Reiko, Lou Fa.) But yah. Like when I was Lou Fa and I saw all my Allens. xP Yes. I was happy. :D
- Do you try to duplicate your character's expressions, walk, movements, etc?
Yup, but again, only when nessecary. Though, it's usually not hard since people tend to pick characters for me and they're usually a part of my personality that I can whip out in a second xDD
- When crossplaying, do you try to act as much like the gender as possible?
I have yet to crossplay xDDD
- What was your funniest experience of acting in character?
LOU FA MADNESS. Yes. Hoboy. Seeing like ten Allens and then fangirling. Yes. Thank You. You know what, when I go again, I'm just gonna bring Lou Fa for the purpose of fangirling xDDD
- What was your worst experience acting in character?
Uh. Nothing? xDDD
- Do you compete in cosplay contests?
I've performed in A skit.
- Have you won anything?
Nopers. xD
- Do you prefer skits or walk-ons?
Skits seem more fun. But I have yet to try a walk-on xD I'm just not that confident.
- How many friends have you made because of cosplay?
Almost the people I hang out with now were because of cosplay xD
- Are you a part of any convention or cosplay forums?
Eh. Well A-Kon forums. As soon as they get them back up that is. XP
- Do you attend photo shoots and meet-ups outside of conventions?
Uh. Yes? Kinda, they're more like parties and mall outings were we decided "HEY LETS COSPLAY AND TAKE PICCURS~! :D"
- What is the funniest reaction you've gotten cosplaying from people outside of the community?
At school I was cosplaying Lou Fa for the heck of it and one of my friends said "Hey, let me stand next to you. I get this cool feeling that I'm standing next to a doctor or something." :D xD
- What was the worst?
Uh. None really. Except for maybe my cousin, but he's an a-hole anyways xDD
- How long do you think you'll be cosplaying for?
For as long as I can. :D HELLS YES~!
- Name a few cosplays you're planning to do next:
Patty Thompson (Soul Eater)
Mitskuni Hanninozuka (Ouran)
Sora Takenouchi (Digimon)
Better!Orihime (Bleach)
Ulquiorra (Bleach)
Wonderviess (sp?) (Bleach)
Lisa Yadōmaru (Bleach)
Maya Fey (Phoenix Wright)
Gisela (KKM)
Tomoya Daidouji (CCS and Tsubasa)
Sakura Haruno (Naruto)
Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)
Good!Tobi (Naruto)
Talim (Soul Calibur)
That's all that comes to mind right now. xDD
(Though, I do want to cosplay Nami from One Piece at one point. :D)
- What is your dream cosplay?
Tough -thinks- I don't think I really have one, I really like doing all the ones I'm doing now and will be doing in the future. :D
But if anything I guess it would be either Amu Hinamori or Miki (both from Shugo Chara and Shugo Chara DOKI!) but maybe I should put that in the future list, since I really REALLY REALLY want to cosplay both? xDD
- What do you take into consideration when picking a character to cosplay?
Nothing? I usually ask people who I should cosplay xDD I just like to. But the thing is, when I ask who I should cosplay, people give me pretty simple costumes and characters close to my personality. :D
- Is cosplay serious business for you?
Well, the only "serious business" for me would be getting the costume and appearance right. Other than that no. I don't think cosplay should be serious business. I just do it for fun. To have a good time with others who like to cosplay. If you're too serious, well, that just takes the fun away from everything.
- What is your favorite thing about cosplay?
Getting to meet other people :D Getting to go to cons. Getting to fangirl over others cosplaying. And most of all. Getting to spend time with my friends whom I love so much (that means all of you! Seriously though, that's the whole reason I cosplay. I love you all too much, dunno what I'd do with out you guys, you're my whole world [well, most of it, there's also the family xDD])
- What is your least favorite?
? The smoking people outside of the hotels in cons and the drunkards? But hey, I'm always with friends so it's ok. THANKS FOR PROTECTING ME GUYS~!
- What is it that makes you keep cosplaying?
- How would you like cosplaying to change in the future?
Better at getting the costumes nearly perfect. And since I'm gonna start wearing wigs, getting really good wigs, really cheap.
- How do you want to grow as a cosplayer?
Sewing. And hopefully get better known by others like Senpai is (Senpai and Miyou = Cosplay rolemodels)
ect. a-kon,
super special awesome,
cosplay meme,