A good update as long as Ava doesn't erase it on me!

Oct 02, 2007 15:55

My kitty is currently sitting before my keyboard...and, watching the curser as I type so I'm not sure how long this is going to last. Or how many times I'm going to have to type this out...Lol. She's more intersted in the other screen at the moment, and trying to claw at the side of the current one that I'm typeing on. And, now I can't see what I'm typing because she's going after it all. So, this is going to be interesting...

Brenya is doing great. Eating well although I have to stop others besides myself, Chris and my mother from feeding her. She's not burping well and she doesn't eat enough when others TRy to feed her. There not use to the way she eats, as we are. Which isn't there faults. But, it's messing her schedule up a lot.

She sleeps pretty well at night. Last night was difficult but were going to get her onto a better schedule slowly with that. She was fussy as anything and I was having cold flashes. Which I was told could happen. Two hours worth of happening and I wasn't thrilled in the least. Poor Chris had to do everything himself until around five am. Which was difficult...he was up until around two am himself. The other three hours was forced by Brenya...Actually it was four am. I ended up getting up after I finally could. He did great though...and got to sleep today to make up for the loast sleep he had to endure.

I wish I knew how to get pictures on the computer to show them to you all...Unfortunatly I do not. So, there will be none. Unless Chris puts them on here, which he will evetually do I'm sure. He's been going picture crazy anyway, lol. I told him he could though since I want to fill out her photo album with her first year photographs.

Ava is trying very hard to get at the betta that lives above the computer here...And, at the one flea that is stuck on her foot. Little pest she is...She'll be the heart attack of the pretty fishy eventually...Or, he'll bite her and I'll laugh hysterically. I hope he bites her...Would surve her right for going after him.

Max is at her stroller at the moment...looking in on her. Seeing what he can and Ava just went into the bottom part. Evil feline things...there going to wake her up and they'll be beaten for it. Or scared the hell out of when she screams in fear, lol.

I'm donig good as well..My back is killing me. And besides a lot of Tylenol and my new sleeping schedule I'm doing very well with her. Things don't hurt to much, but that is also what the tylenol helps kill, lol. I cleaned off a small bottle of it in, oh, six days...A bit quick. I got more because I know it's not done yet. I have midol as well to help me. I can take three of those at a time...I only take two, at the most though. I feel I'm overdosing myself with the tylenol. And, since I'm breast feeding and formula feeding...I'm weary. But, the pain is rather...there. So, I'm no help if I can't move.

Otherwise, things are going good...I can't wait, kinda, to get back to work. I have so much stuff I wanna do and no money to do it with...Chris has been doing good with his hours. Which is a god send...and, he takes everything gracefully.

I love to see how happy he is over having a daughter and seeing how happy he is over having a family...I love it. :)

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