Interesting day thus far...

Sep 19, 2007 13:56

Well...apparently I'm 4 centemeters dialated. I am expected to have Brenya within the next 24-48 hours. I'm happy about it...Were still not 100% ready, but it's alright. I'm sitting here wondering what I'm suppose to bring to the hospital. I wasn't prepared that time either, lol. Chris ended up bringing things for me. Do I bring something for the baby to wear? I think it's only what I want to dress her in on the trip home that I provide though. Everything else will be from the hosptial. I should ask my best friend...Hmmmmm.

It was funny...I was there getting the exam done and I said to the Dr. I was 1 centimeters dialated last Wednesday. Which than he spoke a little and got a weird/surprised look on his face. Said...Well, your 4 centemeters now and I expect you to go into labor within 24-48 hours. I almost fell off of the table that I was sitting/laying on.

It was funny too. When I was out in the waiting area Brenya was moving up a storm...and happened to move something, like a foot, into my rib cage and didn't move it out. So here and there I'm moving and saying ouch. One of the aids looked at me and asked if I was alright. I said "Yea, baby has something as far up my rib cage as she can possibly get it." Which than had me called in the back and lead into a room. Just because it was clear that I needed to move and at least be looked at. Which then lead to what happened with the Dr.

I'm happy though...Means a lot of irritation at night will begin. And, I'll never catch up on sleep now...but, have to get it started to get it over with. You know? Kyle will be overjoyed to hear that his sister will be coming out of me within the next few days, hopefully. It's not 100% it's just what the Dr said. I still want her on the 27th, but I doubt it now, lol.

If she comes today it'll be the same day as another friend of mines birthday. Which goldfish memory forgot it was his birthday today. Which doesn't surprise me. I did end up saying happy birthday to him though, lol. I'm horrible...

Now that I know she'll be here soon...I kinda can't wait for it to happen. I want to finally see my daughter...and, the little girl that's going to make my life even more interesting...I know Kyle has already. :)

Than talk about getting my tubes tied, lol. No more for me...I said to Chris. If he wants to have more children he's gonna have to go to another women. I'd wave him off, lol. I'd kill him before I let that, but...He knows full well that I'm done with children and will have NO more...I think he feels the same way. Two is enough, technically three. So, yea...

Alright, ending this now...

If I don't write for a all know why!

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