Update...before I leave.

Jul 12, 2007 15:19

Well things are going alright...My mother came home last night from New York. My grandmother is still the same...I'm happy she's still around though. Chris left for wherever it is he's going. I think Massachutses. (sp?) My mother and Kyle are going to visit family in Florida, and go to Disney World. I'm going to Connecticut on Sunday after the baby shower for a friend. I have her present all set up and waiting for her at my table.

My mother is going around getting irritated because things aren't quite working out or she can't find something. I know she's having ahrd time...and, I feel bad, but there isn't anything I can do. I didn't have money I hoped I would have for her. Which really sucks. To make the trip a little better than before. I'm upset over that...

Otherwise...I should have a job soon. In a few weeks I should be working as a receptionist at a mortgage company. 9-4 or 5. SOmething like that...Even if it's not full time. I told her no less than 10. So, hopefully that is alright. Not 100%sure about that yet. Either way...It's something and I'll take it. Any money is better than nothing coming in. You know?

I have a chance to become a loan officer as well. Although it's all on commision...I could be making quite a bit of money if I was good at it. Although I'd be selilng...and, I can't sell things to save my life. Hence the reason I said receptionist. Maybe if I can...I'd be happy to try it...maybe. Not sure though...We shall see.

Odis looks comfy on the desk beside me...so I'm going to let you all go.
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